A really neat and free horror game where you operate and maintain satellite dishes in the mountains.
The game has a very nice artstyle and surprisingly is super addicting and relaxing for me while also making me shit my pants at random points. Intead of shitty jumpscares, this game has tons of random and scripted events that can happen, the chilling ambience and these events make it feel like you're losing your mind and sometimes you don't even notice them until days later into the game.

Although not canon, the ending to this DLC is one of the most hard-hitting endings to a game I've ever seen. After 10 years of an absolutely tragic story of child neglect, abuse and religious trauma, it puts this poor boy's story to rest with a beautiful close. As being someone who can relate to parts of this story, seeing it come to a comforting end like this one brought tears to my eyes, and I'm sure many others too.

I love all these cute little critters but oh my god this game has actually made me scream it's a warfare and I love it. A really short game too so I highly recommend anyone to sit and play.

Although not that much changed, a big factor that made me lose all interest is making the game F2P, removing loot-boxes and adding INCREDIBLY overpriced skins that aren't even that good.

Removing the loot-boxes had removed a lot of my reasoning to keep playing, because surprisingly I think they were an alright system. Encouraging you to play different roles and being a friendly and communicative member of the team by rewarding you with them, from my experience it seemed to be a good system. At least I got a bunch of sick skins before they removed them.

That might not be a concern to a lot of people which I understand, however the game does get incredibly boring & repetitive too when it is literally just the same exact game with little to no new content other than a few new heroes (which im not really a fan of except for ramattra) and maybe a few maps.

Adorable little game that's probably the best idle game out there, has a charming style and well-thought mechanics that prevent the game from losing pace and getting boring as hell like most others



I've yet to beat this game but from what I've played I can surely say it's a fantastic game. It has an amazing story with lovable characters, it can really manage to pull at your heartstrings but still contrast with its incredibly fun and sometimes hilarious combat, minigames and sidequests.

Incredibly underrated horror game brought to you by the people who made SCP : Containment Breach.

Barotrauma immerses you in its unique 2d style with its atmospheric spaces, varying from claustrophobic, such as the well under-prepared submarines, and the giant abyss that contain incomprehensible horrors.

This game supplies a deep world with lots of lore if you look for it, and has a great game-play loop of teamwork, communication and preparation for the horrors to come. Including many different mechanics such as upgrading subs, crafting, farming, skill trees and all of the sorts that allow you to specialise in whatever you love (my personal favourite is the mechanic's MECH)

Barotrauma is an amazing experience in both singleplayer and multiplayer, highly recommend to anyone who hasn't checked it out as it's great fun when you don't know what you're in for.

(However, I myself haven't really gotten that far into the game despite my hours, as I've never managed to get around to investing into a single campaign. I'll have a go at aiming to beat this game someday and give a more in depth review then.)

Been supporting this game for 3 years and I'm here to say the most recent update one again has blown me away with it being some of the most exciting and interesting levels to date.

If you haven't heard much from this game I HIGHLY recommend you going in blind and to experiment as much as you can with the weapons provided because you can do A LOT.

This game is fucking amazing, beautiful visuals, great gameplay and the highlight of it is the incredible bosses, especially the DLC, with ringed city being the pinnacle of the series.
A must play for anyone.

Crazy to see how much this game blew up, have been waiting for it ever since 2022 and I’m glad it’s getting so much love.
It’s a great addition to anyone’s library of games and a great pick to play with friends. The modding community has been insane especially with the recent VR mod, making the game 10x more fun. Can’t wait for the future updates for this game!

This game is really addicting and fun, free on IOS with no ads unless you want extra rewards so it’s a great download.

Incredibly rough start and still a long way to go but as it currently stands I think it’s good enough to take a shot at it, the new exploration mode is a great improvement from both Science and Career mode and will only get better with the next updates.
You can tell the devs are truly passionate about this game so I have high hopes for the future of this game.

So far I believe this is the peak of DOOM, at least regarding the gameplay.
The gameplay is like nothing before and started a whole new type of FPS game, with its fast paced, almost rhythmic gameplay that makes you feel like a BEAST when you fully master its loop. It's biggest advantage was being designed around its hardest difficulty, NIGHTMARE (ultra-nightmare is just 1 life). In many games, the hardest difficulty usually just means unnecessary bullshit, such as bullet sponge and one hits. However being designed around nightmare, it allows for a steady learning curve that lets players grow from the easier difficulties to the top and it feels amazing.

Although a bit controversial in the DOOM community, I think the art direction is amazing too, while people love the more grittiness of 2016, I love the arcade style of the UI and the fun demon designs, the environments are also an insane plus, absolutely beautiful landscapes ranging from castles to torn down cities to giant nests entirely made out of flesh.

The largest and most common complaint however is the lore, it's pretty confusing and ends up turning into a strange love-craftian type of thing that I can hardly describe. Although I do agree with the complaints at least somewhat, I think its kinda badass and it allows for some neat levels.