GUH - HUH? Collectathons were defined by THIS GUY RIGHT HERE! I love it so much.

Such a charming little RPG. I love all the environments, and party members, and the Peach stuff is a lot of fun too! Action commands are a great tool for those who don't like the traditional RPG. Best part of the game is the volcano, no question.

I was given this game when my friend said it "gave him motion sickness". This game never gave me motion sickness, but it did give me my favorite 3d platformer of all time. I love every single level, and it's all just so satisfying. Nintendo fucks up pretty much everything they do but they know how to make some good games.

Look to my review of Golden. I grew up with the original but prefer Golden now, even though the hard cores don't, sowwy.

I have close to 1400 hours on Terraria, since it came out when I was in seventh grade. I have the game memorized, at this point. I remember working so hard to get my flamethrower way back when, and how I've always played the game when I was down. The game grew up with me, and dropping into a world with wood feels like chatting with an old friend. Every thing that you could possibly dislike about this game is probably already fixed by a mod. It is my favorite game of all time, without question. Thank you, for being my oldest friend Terraria.

My favorite RPG of all time, and one of the finest ever created. I cry every time at the end of my play through, not because anything sad happened, but because I'm going to miss my friends. The characters feel real and alive, with Kanji and Dojima being the pinnacle. I love RPGs, and I love games about time management, so it's no surprise that I love Persona. Is the story as good as Persona 3? No. Is the combat as fun as Persona 5? No. Does Golden hyperbolize some characters, particularly Chie? Yes. But it doesn't matter. No game is perfect, and this is the closest I've ever come to seeing it.