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poogi finished Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
im surprised i heard so much hate about this one, i thought it was nearly as good as aria. love the trippy technicolor castle! even though it made my eyes burn. my favourite part was juste stealing all of draculas furniture

1 day ago

poogi finished Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
it was fun sometimes, but the castle is forgettable, the bosses are tedious, its really annoying to get around, and the movement feels so clunky. i like the DSS system but the card drop rates are so bad, an issue that applies to the item drops too, further exacerbated by the fact that you can ONLY get gear from enemy drops; theres no shop and no exploration rewards

i like the idea of a simple difficult metroidvania but this one is a miss

1 day ago

poogi completed Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
it was fun sometimes, but the castle is forgettable, the bosses are tedious, its really annoying to get around, and the movement feels so clunky. i like the DSS system but the card drop rates are so bad, an issue that applies to the item drops too, further exacerbated by the fact that you can ONLY get gear from enemy drops; theres no shop and no exploration rewards

i like the idea of a simple difficult metroidvania but this one is a miss

1 day ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

moogy reviewed NonStories: Eien no Hakoniwa
I played this game for 125 hours and I don't know what the hell to say about it. Maybe it's easiest to say something meaningful about it by way of comparison to the title it took so much inspiration from, by calling it a successor to Rance 10 or whatever.

But it's so much more than that, isn't it? NonStories doesn't merely take inspiration from existing works -- indeed all fiction does that -- but actively seeks to build something new using them. It interrogates narratives not so it can thumb its nose at them in derision, but because it is genuinely invested in finding new paths forward.

NonStories is a journey, an undertaking. It is committed to its vision in ways that will astound and excite and frustrate you. And it is this commitment which makes it genuine.

3 days ago

3 days ago

moogy reviewed Kuon no Kanata
Already talked about this one on Twitter at length, but the tl;dr is that I really liked how TS took some very tired -- one might say generic -- setting elements and committed so hard to exploring them that he ended up writing a pretty nuanced and original story anyway. Also a big fan of how much the map design contributed to the narrative in this one, he's moved on from zako of the week encounters on giant featureless planes...

3 days ago

moogy completed Kuon no Kanata

3 days ago

moogy reviewed Animal Well
The base game is pretty fun by itself. It took me back to the days of Knytt, back when Metroidvanias weren't quite so rigidly defined.

No interest in doing any of the optional stuff though. Collecting 64 eggs is bad enough, miss me with the wacky puzzle nonsense you need an entire Discord server to solve.

3 days ago

moogy completed Animal Well

3 days ago

moogy reviewed Stellar Blade
Slop. It goes down nice and easy, but it's tasteless and lacking in nutrients. Nothing about this game will stay with me.

It is, however, a PS5 exclusive. So I guess it has that going for it.

3 days ago

moogy completed Stellar Blade

3 days ago

moogy reviewed Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
A game that I grow increasingly frustrated with as I look back on it. I loved how all of the main story beats were represented and fleshed out here -- but that was almost a foregone conclusion. As a kid I played FF7 over and over again, so some part of me deep down was always going to be satisfied just seeing moments from it revisited with spectacular modern production values. But in the end I'm human, I can't deny that I enjoyed seeing the game I grew up with re-imagined like this.

Everything else, though... well, I was mostly playing the game because it told me to play it, let's say. I don't think the quest design is completely banal, there were a number that I enjoyed, but in retrospect I barely remember what I was doing in this game other than going down checklists, checklists, checklists. Couple this with a battle system that is far too involved for how goddamn long the game is and by the end I was having a miserable time. I don't often turn down the difficulty in games, but in Rebirth I set it to easy towards the end simply because I wanted to get it over with. I wish I felt differently about a game that recreated part of my childhood but there's only so far nostalgia can carry you.

3 days ago

3 days ago

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