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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 11, 2023

Platforms Played


I wasn't the biggest Terranigma fan in the world but I will give it a bit more credit after playing this game. In some ways I actually appreciated its super simple combat and linear design because it meant I wouldn't be lost as much. While that was kinda true, the game devolves into a chore at a certain point. Enemies generally aren't handled very differently. Dungeons are mildly entertaining to explore but not super challenging unless they are really maze-like. I like the concept of upgrading your stats by clearing out rooms of enemies. The bosses are WAY more difficult than anything else in the game. Especially the vampires. Switching forms seems like such an arbitrary addition to the game. I guess playing as the knight and the other guy is pretty cool. You get one of them right at the end of the game which is lame.

It's pretty clear that the translation is really bad. Honestly it may even improve the game since it's at least funny when the writing in all these SNES JRPGs feels so stunted and weird. Even if the translation was good the event that transpire in this game are so goofy I probably wouldn't take it seriously anyway.