The only reason I got into this game was because I wanted to kill people as Pyramid Head, but when I realized that it was a 4v1 and I was getting cooked every game, it became really irritating

Seriously if this game had an option to play with friends where we are both killers this game would be much more enjoyable. This game also kinda has the exact same issue that Destiny has where every non DBD game that comes out is labeled as the game’s killer when in reality nothing can actually touch it

Game was super fun as the heavy class and just shitwrecking every building I saw. But I dropped the game after I got into multiple games where I spent more time in the respawn than in the game, which was not fun at all.

Game’s whatever, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to play it

Oh mah god the music is so fucking good, but that was kinda the only thing I took away from the game. Everything else ranged from meh to uninteresting

Back when everyone called it an OW copy, but I’ve played it more than OW2 in the last year (once). The game is very mediocre and the new character’s gameplay are the definition of power creep

Has the exact timeline as Multiversus, fun when it came out, but now it’s like poking a dead body with a stick to see if it was even relevant

This was the game to play in the summer it came out. Most of the characters were fun to play (I mostly played Bugs and Finn)

The reason it’s so low rated is balancing. Holy shit, it felt like every character had an OP time period where it was insufferable to play against them. First it was Taz, then Finn then Velma, and Iron Giant was just actually the worst opponent

Hopefully the new update this summer fixes a lot of those problems because the game was fun

Even my 9 year old dumb self could see why many people hated this direction that CoD was going in, as AW was the first bad example before he who shall not be named (IW).

If you were able to finish this game without a guide telling you where to go, props to you. Too bad I needed it

The game is also pretty meh overall, has a couple good moments, but basically wanted it to be over as soon as I got to the good MGS games

Has the reverse problems that Re:CoM has where the story this time is pretty confusing and messy, while the gameplay is okay, but not my thing

What is it with Nomura and the number 13

Has the same issues DBD has where playing for arguably the main reason (Jason) feels really bad compared to the multiple survivors trolling you every game. I also think Proxy voice chat should be in every Co-Op horror game from now on, mainly because of how good it is here

Game has a lot of potential, and it’s not necessarily BAD, just not very fun

I’ve tried to play this game like 3 times to give it the benefit of the doubt, but even I can’t do that. It’s the buggy all over the place mess everyone describes this game as

1/2 star for the fact that you can experience this slop with a friend

Definetly hold a spot for least favorite gameplay. The only reason it has a star for me is because the story is kinda interesting

Fuck literally everything this game stands for. With the recent news of PVE being cancelled, there is legitimately no reason to come play this game again. Blizzard just keeps gutting this game every chance it gets and it’s horrifying to watch

Gooner bait disguised as a puzzle game. This games only purpose is for Phonk TikTok edits

Please take a shower

Please if you love your family or your wallet, don’t play this game. Quite possibly the most toxic environments I’ve ever played, the learning curve is abhorrently high, and every person that only plays this game is a demented masochist