Both games are the most delightful experiences I’ve ever had playing games. I’ll thoroughly miss everything they brought to my screen!

This game didn’t leave a very good impression on me at all and it continued to get worse as the game went on. The gameplay is fantastic and so fun but I value games for their story and Engages story is just short of abysmal. I think I liked about two characters with the rest being cringey weird and bizarre but not in a good way. The story had nothing interesting going for it, with a lot of the story beats being pathetically lacklustre, dragged out and again, bizarre. Worst villains, main character, cast and story I’ve ever experienced in an FE game.

I would have ranked higher up if it weren’t for the sour taste the last 2 chapters left in my mouth when I returned a year later to finish it. They constantly spam enemy reinforcements close to your units as a way of penning you into loads of turns just to drag out gameplay. This was especially frustrating as I could kill enemies with no problem, but because of the sheer amount of them they whittled me down in time and destroyed any enjoyment I had in the first hour.

Overall my least favourite FE game, the gameplay is fun but I can get that elsewhere in other games.

Rlly don’t get why people hate it so much

Systems were an absolute slog in first 10 hours, after that they are fun to sink your teeth into.
Story was fine but characters were mid, forgettable.