Combats are not at the level of quality that the game intended to be.
Secrets are not rewarding enough to give satisfaction to the player in searching for more.
I like the characters and story.
Great environment and music and level design.
For me, it's one of the best puzzle platform games of all time.

Great reminder of classic games and storytelling in video games

Puzzles were good. Story and plut twist were genius. And walking in this game is slow as a turtle. In the end I had good times with this game and it's good for classic horror fans to discover.

What a great platform. Fun? Yeeahh💦

Cool game, make more retro style like this👍

Chapter one starts so easy that I set game in Exterminatus difficulty and that's the only problem of it, the rest is really good and ends beautiful.
Chapter two with new enemies and atmosphere gets harder and I liked it at general and play it in hard difficulty until the end of game.
Chapter three starts good for changing the space and it was just that, in the last chapter, there should be a final boss but instead we just have same bosses from past chapters and stages so that is kind of runed the experience for me and adds at the easy start problem, so in general I had fun with this game and it's a good-beautiful game eventually, but it's not one of great retro style shooters and I prefer the taste of Dusk much more as a boomer shooter.
But keep making this style, we consum the gore.


Extremely beautiful, Nice level design and just Good platform and yet its about light struggling with depression, I hope I find a game that's not easy like Gris and not Impossible for me to get through like Celeste. Because I really want to defeat the deppression even for a few moments in a videogame. So for the main theme in a unimaginably beautiful side-scrolling platform, let's give it 4/5.


Anti game, if it could be called that way. And what I mean by the word of "game" is what we collected through many games that we played mostly in a platforms and puzzles games But under general taste of almost all of the games, Braid tries the opposite one. For example if most games are taste sweat, this brings us bitter and it's cool for an Indy game which change our perspective by it's bizarre storytelling and strange gameplay experience.

I feel played a great game even after years of time that I was child and had a ps1 but never get the chance to play it. It's amazing that after 24 years still playable and remained a true masterpiece.