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A fairly solid game that's brought down a bit by some slower "roaming around trying to find out what to do next" moments and also being a star wars game.

Enjoyed the gameplay mainly, the last boss fight is too close to dark souls in that it tries my patience with the expectation of constant perfect blocks and timing. Also the combat barely functions with more than about 3 enemies and everybody having at least one unblockable attack.

I liked the characters a lot, my main issue with the story is that the main movies are written in stone. As such I know that these characters can't actually save the galaxy because the movies have to happen and the owners of the ip are too tightfisted to let this be its own alternate timeline thing.

Also just a very flawed understanding of what those first 3 movies were doing, probably due to worry about my least favorite thing in star wars "the cinematic universe." The light and dark side are set in stone. This series still has to drag all the prequel baggage with it. There's no iffyness to it. You either are a monk or you go full crazy murder man. Can't have any questioning that being a pious monk that pushes anything worldly away is maybe not the best way to be balanced.
