Nice indie game, but doesn't do much, nice end message though!

Liked it although the audio design is kinda bad

The ds version is heavely underrated

This game made me unable to enjoy other open world games as much anymore, godammit.
My only gripe is that you wont ever get again the feeling you get when you play it for the first time, i hope a game does make me feel like this in the future again.

My first wild encounter was a shiny Flabebe

It's an impressive technological feat on the 3ds, but lacks on the actual game content side.

So, what youre telling me, even after the unnaceptable crunch, we wont even be able to play this game at 60 fps until graphics cards from 5 years into the future?
You've changed, CD Project Red.

Ok, so, this game, a weird one huh, where do I start.

Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure, what it feels like, is that it wants to have an unique art and gameplay clearly inspired by layton, but it tries so hard it comes off as forced and uninspired, to the point that many mechanics are straight up 100% copy and pasted from layton like the exploration aspect of it.
So yeah, the game has a huge identity crisis, but it's a fun game nevertheless!

It's just a shame it tries so hard to be a layton with music instead of creating its unique personality. Also i feel like the main character tries so hard to be cool it actually ends up being the opposite, you don't make a "cool" character by saying "hey look! look how cool he is! look now he is more cool!"

The best part of this game is ofc the rythmn games and the ost, and while the ost isn't the pinnacle of the rythm genre, there are some fine tunes to it, we need more funk music rythm games def!

Oh and also, one last thing, like the user Ninja below me said, motion controlled rythm games? Ew

It's a flawed game, but I guarantee you will not find any gaming experience as unique as this one elsewhere.

It's charming, beautiful and magical.

While of course the main idea of gravitation hasn't been used out of it's full potential, it's the best idea i've seen in recent gaming in years.

A shame Sony ended up scrapping the whole franchise, hope we get a sequel/reboot in the future, and it gets a development team as big and caring as many other sony franchises like Uncharted or Horizon Zero Down, because with a studio like that, I'm absolutely certain wonders will be made with this concept.

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The "plot twist" is too much on the nose so I don't think this was a "flawless" execution of the idea that "war bad, violence bad" but I can imagine if you play this game just thinking its gonna be a cod then you would be actually surprised.

What I would like is to see this done in the future but maybe told other way, maybe through horror, who knows? It's just a concept that hasn't fully flourished in many video games yet.

What if animal crossing but with more content

A nice ending to the first and original Inazuma Eleven saga, the villain was kind of a dumb childrens villain but a fun game nontheless, eager to play the go saga although I'll miss Mark Evans and the rest as playable characters

I just think building and designing houses is more fun than the actual game