The old charm it has carries it hard, and you gotta appreciate for the time the many secrets in this, even if the gameplay is the goofiest shit you'll ever see in a game

This game fucking rocks (unironically)

I dont know what i expected from this game i thought it looked silly but i didnt expect them to straight up f***

I only needed to play for 10 minutes to know that this is stinky ass cash grab no passion remake.

Runs as smooth as a dried grape on the PS3 but still more fun than most sonic games if not all.

Playing It for the first time in 2023 makes me want to rip my eyes out with the controls (specially on bosses) while appreciate how innovative it must've been for the time.

Now setting that aside, WHO thought on the team having to backtrack TWO times the whole map during the story??

Snake horny ass

Got it recommended by a metroidvania nerd, so i decided to give it a chance (despite it being yknow, that kinda game) and damn its actually a banger, art style, movement and music are amazing.
Actually wouldve benefited from not being NSFW to reach a further audience, it could've just been a little spicy like Shantae, I'll definitely check out more metroidvania games now tho.
Yes, this is my first metroidvania game. Not precisely Hollow Knight.

I love Layton and this one was in my backlog, i just never had this one so never got a chance to play it.

Seeing that it was now on Android decided it was time to give it a chance, after having played at least half of the Layton games already, so already coming in knowing what to expect.
Having played it, it has the layton charm, sure, but man it's def the only layton game where i fell like it was missing something, the mistery is kinda okayish, and the ending is barebones, feels incredibly rushed, I have a feeling this game was made quickly to cash on the popularity after the curious village released.

That said it still is layton and while it may be the weakest one so far that i played (Except for lady Katrielle that one is god-awful) it still was a nice playthrough.

But hey, after this one we got Unwound Future wich is one of my favourite games in general so no complaining there.