Passable story with an interesting plot twist.

The game itself is extremely easy, so my only source of entertainment while playing this were mini-games (darts, connect 4, etc. - the game is full of them and they allow two players two compete with each other) and the plot, which is pretty much only a collection of tropes with no innovation.
The co-op mechanics were fine, nothing incredible but they often displayed how two main characters needed each other during the escape.

Overall a mediocre title, but if you're looking for a dedicated co-op game, it still fits the job. After all, a great story is not necessary to have fun with a friend.

One of my favourite and most played games.
The game has incredible replayability because of its build variety and number of spells and weapons.
A great culmination to the Dark Souls trilogy, especially The Ringed City DLC.

It's short, but feels a lot longer than it really is (in a good sense). Insanely worth it for its price.

Great, but unnecessarily grindy.

It's like D&D, but you can play it even without friends!
Seriously though, one of the best games I've ever played.

This is THE WORST game I've bought so far. It looks terrible, the plot is terrible, the characters are all extremely basic, women are pure breasts, the gameplay is terrible and extremely easy.
If you have ANY requirements for your games, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME. If you're here because someone told you it's similar to Monster Hunter, DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.
By now I've noticed that a lot of Bandai Namco titles (where BN are developing the game, not just publishing it) is just a worse copy of another game with horrible, basic story, and anime artstyle (God Eater - Monster Hunter, Code Vein - Dark Souls, etc.).

"DS2 is beautiful" yeah, the outdoor can be beautiful, but have you ever looked at indoor environments in DS2? They're EXTREMELY bland. Pretty much every wall in every room in every area looks the same, and can be described as "bland PS2 wall texture".
Other quick points:
- DS2 is peak "quantity over quality" approach. Team B had no idea how to make good opponents and rewarding fights, so most areas consisted of a bunch of enemies slapped together.
- Team B thought that the players loved DS1 because it was "hard", but they had no idea how to balance a game and encounters, so they made the game artificially hard by increasing enemy count in every area
- awful hitboxes - self explanatory
- rollout window after attacking - you have to wait 0.5-1s after every attack to roll out, because Team B wanted you to play turn-based Dark Souls
- a stat you have to level up to enjoy playing. Yes, I'm looking at you adaptability

I'm not even going to bother writing a full review, I don't care about this game enough for it. I played through most of the game without much trouble and just stopped playing. I didn't want to play it at all, but I had to know what the deal with the most hated game in the franchise was.
A lot of people tend to say that the base game may be weak, but DLCs are extremely good. Well, I reached the DLCs and I've beaten Blue Smelty and Fume Knight second try. Let's just say they're not better. I've lost all desire to play and didn't want to continue.

Want to hear more? Watch this video by ZeroLenny.

Loli Dark Souls with difficulty extremely toned down. I can't take this game seriously, it gives me God Eater vibes.

Every boss is a joke and enemies without shields are extremely easy.
Creators' only way of making the game more difficult is giving the enemies shields.

If you wonder what's wrong with the game, just watch Iron Pineapple's material about it