Touhou Danmaku Kagura is a good mobile game, back then. But for Touhou Danmaku Kagura: Phantasia Lost, I feel like this game has like half of everything the original got, for better or for worse.

- The voice acting (that the original got) is gone here.
- There are no online leaderboards.
- The Danamku mechanic is more complicated than it was originally. Not only that you have to move left and right, dodging the opponent's danmaku, and shoot your opponent. But you also have to do some Kagura, WHILE you're doing all of that.
- Unlike the original version, there isn't an option to customize and decorate the locations... Customizing and Decorating the locations in Gensokyo was one of my favorite things to do in Danmaku Kagura, and it's a shame that it didn't return here.
- That low chance of making the characters have a party somewhere and got drunk, and you'll be able to get free stuff from them at that point from the original game? I believe that will never happen here...

If they manage to add the missing features that the original have, I would enjoy it more.

If you played the original version on mobile and enjoyed it, you'll probably won't have that same amount of enjoyment from here. But if you haven't played the original version, give this game a go and see what you think of it.

I can say that this is the "Super Mario Bros. 5" we've been waiting for.

And it's not a "New Super Mario Bros." game, this time. It's a Super Mario Bros. games that's actually different and interesting.

I think the PC version is better than the console version, since I grew up with the PC version.

When I first look at this, I thought this is gonna be a sequel to Battle for Bikini Bottom. But as it turns out, it's not. Instead, it's a short, easy and boring SpongeBob beat 'em up/shooter game.

Here's my advice: This game will be even better, if you're in its Discord Server for Tournaments/Events or even online vs.

The first Touhou game on Switch and it's pretty mediocre...

- Besides the DLC characters, the playable characters are only the ones from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
- There are only 2 DLC characters, which is not enough.
- The pacing is slow.
- The balancing isn't good...

Honestly, there's other Touhou games on Switch that's actually better than this.

Despite this game being a gacha game, I actually love this game!

- The boards have different rules and events.
- I love the Live2D cutscenes.
- The costumes are event based and have different stats, types, abilities and Spell Cards.
- It has an online vs mode, a battle arena and raid events.

I really love Touhou Cannonball!
And it's sad that it got shutdown in 2020...

Oh boy... This game...
Tbh, I want to like this game! I tried to like it! But, there are so many bad qualities coming from this game!

- The battles became too boring and repetitive.
- Certain costumes just don't fit right for certain characters and they're just used for "fan-service". (Like Yuugi and Seija wearing maid outfits.)
- Certain characters got flanderized. (Like Yuyuko becoming a greedy, hungry jerk.)
- Certain characters have child variants. (Yuyuko, Yukari, Junko, Remilia and Satori.)
- Greenwich Debris plays like 80% of the whole game.
- Some designs for the parallel variants are lazy. (Like God-Summoning Shaman Reimu, Witch of Scarlet Dreams Marisa, and Mysterious Sword Master Youmu are just the alternative color palletes of Reimu, Marisa, and Youmu from the official Touhou fighting games.)
- It took a few years for this game to have a friend system. Before that, the profile and comment system was pointless.
- Chapter 1 is the only chapter in the Main Story that I find good. Sadly, the rest isn't.
- Chapter 4: Act 3 is just a filler Chapter. Just 3 Battles and 6 Cutscenes. That's it. (Not counting the extra part)
- Some battles require strong parallel variants. Because the suggested level for those battles are 101 or higher. Even though the maximum level for each unit is 100.
- Fully Limit Breaking Story cards back then is so slow! Instead of using all 4 duplicates at once, you have to choose 1 duplicate, limit break it, and then repeat this 3 more times.

Touhou LostWord is bad! Really disappointing!

I noticed that this is just the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil again, but horizontal.

However, I think this game is just okay.