Thought the game was tedious at first. It picked up the pace with exciting mechanics on Chapter 3 but it was cut too short. Overall, it was a fun experience but I would not pick it up again

The cutscenes were fun to sit through and it was an entertaining hack 'n' slash, but that's all there was to it. I bought this game on a Steam sale so I wouldn't call it a waste of money but I found no replay value in it.

The most visually impressive game I've played. I really loved Amaterasu's controls and mechanics. The soundtrack really stuck with me. I think I would have enjoyed the game more if I'd played it with a controller instead of a keyboard but that was on me.

My favorite videogame and also favorite Zelda game of all time. It is a beautiful masterpiece and was the inspiration behind my first tattoo. I have beaten it with every possible "challenge" I could think of (3 hearts, no death, 100%, etc) and I still come around to playing it every few years to relive all of my favorite memories while going through a rough childhood.

Another one of my early GameCube memories. I never liked the microphone minigames because I didn't understand anything about them but the normal minigames are still on my top list.

One of the very first videogames I ever remember playing. It was the reason why I asked my parents for a GameCube system at around 7 years old. I'd like to play it once again for the nostalgia value and the super fun minigames