926 Reviews liked by Shrouls

Looks and plays like a normal 2023 video game until it asks you to visually track and respond to projectiles moving at varying speeds and trajectories in THREE DIMENSIONS without an i-frame dodge. They fucking nailed it.

Fromsoftware at last has atoned for their sin of codifying the "wait and press the i-frame button" action game. The proactive, aggressive movement and positioning action game, resurrected by the studio that killed it, nature is healing. (And in fairness they killed it by making really good defensive/reactive games that everyone blandly riffed on, you don't blame the GOAT for their herd)

There's a zombie on your lawn
There's a zombie on your lawn
There's a zombie on your lawn
We don't want zombies on the lawn
I know your type: tall, dark, and dead
You want to bite all the petals off of my head
And then eat the brains of
The one who planted me here
I'm just a sunflower but see
Me power an entire infantry
You like the taste of brains
We don't like zombies
I used to play football
Road cones protect my head
I have a screen-door shield
We are the undead
There's a zombie on your lawn
There's a zombie on your lawn
There's a zombie on your lawn
We don't want zombies on the lawn
Maybe it's time to reevaluate
I know you have a lot of food on your plate
Brains are quite rich in cholesterol
You're dead so it doesn't matter,
Instead we'll use this solar power
To make a lawn defense at any hour
I like your tricycle
There's butter on my head
I'm gonna eat your brains
We are the undead
There's a zombie on your lawn
There's a zombie on your lawn
There's a zombie on your lawn
We don't want zombies on the lawn

This is the peak of strategy games, zombie games and farming games all in one.

There's something about PvZ that has so much charm that was never replicated ever again in the series. EA failed PopCap

the threepeater is a plant in this game, which shoots in three lanes. the lane above, the lane its on, and the lane below, right? the threepeater has three heads, each one layered vertically in order to make them visible to the player. whenever a zombie is within one of the three lanes, it fires, and each of it's heads bob in order to show the action and give it a bit more life, as all the plants do. however, if you place the threepeater at the top or bottom lanes - lanes which it cant possible shoot all three - the top or bottom heads respectively wont bob when the threepeater fires, as it's not firing in those non-existant lanes, while the others still will. this game is 5 bucks on steam in case youre wondering

this game literally opens with the devs apologizing for how abysmal it is

I swear this just spawned into existence one day and everyone started making fun of it. Like 0 trailers or prerelease hype despite belonging to one of the biggest IPs of all time. Like what the fuck?

gollum has made a severe and continuous lapse in judgement and was forced to make a twitlonger apology

It's times like these where I wish I did half star ratings.

This is the tears of the kingdom killer we've all been waiting for

So glad this came out, I missed the time when licensed games were incredibly horrible and abhorrent messes.