23 reviews liked by Sigewinne



This weekend has been difficult for me. Gaben decided to dump two action projects on my head at once, in which I want to get stuck in for a longer time. Unfortunately, time tends to run out and I had to choose a favorite to which I will devote most of my attention. GTFO was a surprise guest on my program, so without much thought I went into the darkness. This game has been on my wishlist for too long and there was no way I was going to miss this party.

What could be scarier than the unknown? Tormenting days waiting for change and endlessly turning over the events of the past in their heads - this is probably how prisoners while away their time. But our situation is far from those “soft” conditions that were punishment in earlier times. The world has changed, not for the better, and now people who break the law are forever branded “the scum of society,” followed by exile to harsh underground prisons. Few criminals survived here for more than a few years, because hazardous production and dirty work quickly wore out the flesh, leaving it dangling in pieces on the body rotting alive, but our case is much worse than that described above.

We are prisoners of an unknown creature called the Caretaker and he has nothing to do with government agencies. There are only four of us, but that doesn't stop him from sending us on suicide missions. The tunnels under our “prison” once housed an important scientific complex, but after the disaster, only countless hordes of vile creatures now live there. They see poorly, but they hear very well and react to light. As soon as you drop anything heavier than a nut, you are screwed - there is a rod from all sides and they try to crush it with quantity. We have tried this on our own skin countless times, constantly becoming food for the insatiable creatures of darkness, but the Overseer does not even think of letting our sinful souls go to hell. Instead, every time he restores our bodies and washes our brains, making us believe that everything is happening for the first time. I wouldn’t have known about this myself if I hadn’t thought of writing down my guesses and thoughts.

During our entire stay here, we were subjected to the “resurrection” procedure more than a dozen times, but our team still did not understand what all this was for. We continue to receive a wide variety of orders from our Overseer and are forced to obediently descend into the damp tunnels, each time experiencing animal fear. We have all gone crazy a long time ago and it is unlikely that anything will help us. I have long forgotten the noise of the streets and the singing of birds in the morning, because my body and mind became the property of an unknown entity. We are just meat dolls who must blindly follow orders. I don’t know about the rest of the guys from our team, but personally, every time I hope that the next death will be my last and I will finally throw off these shackles...

Before us is a stealth shooter in a stylish futuristic wrapper. We are given the role of a nameless fighter who must perform various tasks in an abandoned underground complex in order to prove his usefulness to an unknown organization. Once upon a time we were thrown into prison and now we are forced to atone for our own sins. We will have a variety of weapons at our disposal, which include shotguns, shock rifles and pistols, as well as several gadgets like a scanner, a sealant gun and turrets that will facilitate our travels through the underground complex. The gameplay is divided into missions, each of which will become more difficult over time. The key feature of the game is stealth, since the creatures here eat lead for breakfast, and we won’t be able to kill the horde due to limited ammunition. Therefore, we will have to crawl carefully in the dark, trying not to disturb the sleeping creatures. However, this will not prevent us from exterminating them with melee weapons, which will significantly increase our chances of survival. The map of the complex is quite large and each mission will have its own map. The main problem is that no one will lead us by the hand. To find out the direction in which we will move, we will need to use the consoles to determine the approximate location of the target, but this will not really change the situation, because the game map must be opened on our own. You can play this stealth shooter either alone with bots or in the company of friends.

GTFO's visuals are impressive, but the overall impression is spoiled by the darkness, which prevents you from seeing all the details of the environment. This game masterfully manages to build up suspense and tension, largely due to the hardcore gameplay, but still the graphics component also plays an important role here. GTFO is the most niche product that very quickly eliminates its potential audience. The free weekend clearly showed me a fun fact - no one here plays with randoms. In 4 hours of gameplay, I never found a person who spent more than 10 hours in this game, so I had to be content with the company of narrow-minded beginners. GTFO is able to fairly unite the team, but at the same time it forces the players to pay a high price - their own time. Each race in the underground complex is a real casino, which, if you lose, will leave you without your pants. The radically reduced spawn rate of important items like first aid kits or ammo forces you to sniff out every corner in search of resources and hold your breath the next time you kill a monster with a melee weapon. Players have no right to make mistakes, because an adventure in an underground complex risks dragging on for a long time, and every detail is important there. Yes, tactical moments in multiplayer really cause adrenaline and gaming addiction, but this euphoria will last exactly until the first death. Next is only the path of patient and desperate fighters.

GTFO is a great stealth shooter that doesn't play along with you. She immediately warns you about the upcoming suffering and you happily agree to it. The game has cool futuristic visuals, plenty of action and interesting tactical gameplay. Crawling in the dark is a really exciting activity, especially when you are with friends. On the other hand, there is simply nothing to do here without your own team. Yes, it is much easier to give orders to invulnerable bots in single player, but then the whole effect is lost. No one screams into the microphone or swears at an incorrectly installed turret, but this is the whole soul of this game. GTFO will reveal itself precisely in multiplayer and for this you will have to really transform into a suicide bomber who carries out missions blindly. Whatever difficulties stand in your way in the underground complex, this will not prevent you from achieving your goal, because you will have loyal friends next to you who will always cover your back.

The second item on my weekend's entertainment program was a short trip to the Middle Ages. Since childhood, I have been interested in history and am a fan of the era of chivalry and noble deeds. That is why Chivalry 2 became for me a saving breath of fresh air after the horrors of GTFO and, at the same time, exciting entertainment. It's a pity that I couldn't spend enough time in it due to my busy schedule.

Modern scientists and reenactors of historical battles know firsthand how difficult it was for an ordinary knight. In the Middle Ages, people generally did not live long due to lack of hygiene and widespread disasters, to say nothing of warriors. Battles were commonplace, and noble knights in shining armor replaced each other almost daily. Once I managed to try on a lightweight replica of knight’s armor and, to be honest, I can’t even imagine how they managed to fight and navigate while clad in heavy armor. But I still don’t take into account the horsemen with pikes who burst into the ranks of opponents at exorbitant speeds.

Chivalry 2 will not offer the player historical accuracy or complex tactical gameplay, instead we will simply be able to take part in the classic “wall to wall”. It seems like there is a single player mode with bots, but personally I decided to go into multiplayer.

Before us is a brutal slasher film in a medieval setting. From the first minutes the player is sent into the thick of things and will be able to witness large-scale battles. You shouldn’t look for real facts or famous personalities here, because everything here is impersonal, but history buffs will quickly discern which events the developers decided to “cosplay.” From the very beginning, several game classes will be available to us, such as spearman, warrior, archer and others. We can change them at any time and after revival we will be able to immediately go into battle. The principle of battles here is simple and consists of a simple combination of attack + defense with the possibility of evasion and riposte.

In addition to gameplay for various classes, the game provides the ability to select any weapon from the battlefield for its subsequent use, but it is worth remembering that captured swords and axes will not be saved after death. We will also be able to use catapults and trebuchets, which can cause serious damage to enemy personnel. The gameplay consists of thematic campaigns, where some players will act as defenders and others as besiegers. Each side will pursue certain tasks that are limited by a timer. For victory, we will be given experience and battle pass points, which will open up new skins for us. The customization here is modest, but it still adds its own nuances to the gameplay. It is also worth remembering that “friendly fire” is disabled here, which means that in the heat of battle we should carefully monitor which direction we swing our sword, because here it is quite possible to accidentally cut down your teammate.

Visually, I really liked Chivalry 2. The battlefields here delight with their diversity and setting. Somewhere we will storm massive city gates, somewhere we will fight our way into an impregnable fortress, and at one point we will even try to recapture a convoy of prisoners from superior enemy forces. All this is accompanied by beautiful decorations in a medieval style with many small details. The game is replete with scenes of cruelty, and dismemberment in the heat of battle here is perceived as something ordinary. The funny thing is that even a bleeding fighter with two severed arms has the ability to kill his opponent with headbutts. The gameplay itself does not cause any difficulties and even allows you to leisurely sip a beer. Chivalry 2 is usually criticized for the abundance of cheaters and abusers, but personally I never managed to see them. To be honest, I don’t even understand how people play here for more than 10 hours, because I managed to play enough in just 2. Yes, I agree that the process of defending or attacking can be exciting, but this is only if your team wins. Otherwise, endless deaths on enemy swords and inaction of allies, followed by whining in the chat, begins to cause boredom.

I liked Chivalry 2, but only as a temporary distraction. I think it would be interesting for me to drop by here for a couple of evenings a week, but I never saw the prospect of a permanent session. The game is full of action, bloody battles and varied campaigns that keep you glued to the screen. Online play here is high, and wall-to-wall 20v20 mode looks impressive. For myself personally, I didn’t see any significant disadvantages here, except for the rehearsal gameplay and the increased presence of whiners in the chat. Otherwise, this is an excellent medieval slasher that will appeal to fans of melee combat. It was interesting for me to look into this game world and take part in large-scale battles.



This weekend, in addition to space piracy, had another pleasant surprise in store for me - a trip to the new cozy little place Palia. I’m currently building a single Chain of Worlds that includes Terraria, Stardew Valley, Starbound, Spiritfarer, My Time At Portia, Sun Haven and Moonlighter, where I want to achieve maximum development, so I couldn’t refuse another world to explore.

The plot of this game begins with the fact that a young goblin scientist named Gina is delving into some ancient ruins with might and main. Since childhood, the spirit of research has been in her blood, so she decided to devote her life to archeology. But she had no way of knowing that her new discovery would seriously change the lives of the inhabitants of the island of Palea. The unknown device that she managed to dig up in the ruins turned out to be a remote control for a spatial bridge that connects other worlds through the ether. Gina did not have time to figure out the structure of her find, as an owl bear suddenly appeared, snatched the sparkle from the hands of the naive goblin and rushed towards the ruins of a strange temple.

The young goblin, out of breath, finally caught up with the thief and took the strange battery from him, but her unfortunate touch launched a device that caused a resonance in the ruins of the temple. There was a bright flash, a bang, and then there was silence. Our heroine opened one eye and noticed that she was not alone here. Standing in front of her was a strange humanoid-type creature whose skin was beige in color. Gina immediately forgot about her fear and began to closely examine the alien through her round glasses. The creature turned out to be talkative and understood the goblin’s speech, but in fact it turned out to be kind and friendly. This is how the inhabitants of Palea became acquainted with the human race and became close friends with them. Subsequently, many travelers, including us, entered this world through the interdimensional gates. Now our task is to get used to the new world and build our home here. There is an endless summer ahead, cool nights and evergreen grass. We're here forever.

Here we have a classic farm in an MMO wrapper. There are no PVP battles, struggle for resources, or clan dungeons, and leveling occurs automatically while we are engaged in a certain activity. We will have several tools at our disposal that will allow us to actively interact with this world, namely a pickaxe, an axe, a fishing rod, a hunting bow, insect poison, a hoe and a watering can. We will mine stones, cut down trees, fish, hunt animals, collect insects for a collection and do gardening. The basis of the game is reputation points. We will be able to improve our relationships with residents, give them gifts and even romance them! I already liked a couple of cute little girls here, which I immediately began pumping up and conquering (and here you can also seduce a huge stuffed scarecrow).

The gameplay here is as sluggish as possible - a lot of grinding, timewalls and an extremely poor economy. To make money here, you will need to put in a lot of effort. So far, the best way to farm currency is fishing, but it’s also inconvenient. You need to wait for the bite (the fish will jump up), and then hold down the left mouse button and make sure that the float is in the green circle. Some fish here can be nimble, and if they stay outside the circle for a long time, they will break off. So far, the price for a fish is mere pennies, from 23 to 50 gold, which is very little for price tags of 5k and above. It’s good that moving around the world is convenient - you hit the shift and you rush to your stamina without penalties, and if you also jump, then in general the speed becomes cosmic. The only annoying thing is the slow animation of picking up objects, which wastes a decent amount of time.

From the start we will be given a free piece of land on which we will develop. This is something like a closed lobby where we go and are there on our own, but you can set up access to your guild or friends farm. Here we will build our own house, we will be able to furnish it and even have several garden beds. The problem of producing boards/bricks and other things can be solved by simply installing more crafters, but even here there are limits that will have to be expanded for a little gold. In the future, our piece of land can be increased by purchasing additional squares on the map, and the dimensions there will be impressive. The problem is how to fill such large spaces.

The game suffers from a lack of detail. At the moment, the Palea map consists of numerous fields and forests with stones and rare trees, where there will be just homogeneous bare land. As a result, the landscapes immediately become plastic and boring, despite the fact that the graphics here are quite nice. The central city itself and its inhabitants are beautifully detailed, it’s interesting to be there and look at the details. The soundtrack is really relaxing and not boring.

In the end, everything is quite modest so far. Wooden character editor. NPCs are colorful dummies that wander along routes and demand gifts. There is nothing to do here other than endlessly digging for resources and completing quests. It’s good that the donation here is only cosmetic (although $20 for an item is a lot), so it’s not very noticeable. Yes, building a farm, arranging it with furniture and some other details like collecting insects and fish in jars really look cool, but on the scale of a moss this is criminally small. Of course, there are all friendly ladies here, blue skies, jelly banks, but so far it feels very modest and there is simply nothing to do here other than farming resources. I, of course, liked what I saw, because I love this kind of addictive gameplay, and I also need games that I can run on the second or third window. But whether to jump into this universe or wait is up to you to decide.

P.S. For those who still decide to visit Palea, add my character named Ranfalla Olgerd as a friend. She likes to cosplay Turanga Leela from Futurama, but that nickname was taken, so I had to come up with a new one.

[review has been translated by Google Translator]

Despite the discussions that continue to swirl around the scandalous Starfield, Todd Howard's office has managed to make quite a mark in the media space. The legendary Skyrim continues to be played to this day, actively creating new content and expanding the boundaries of perception. Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the influence of this gaming universe spread to other media content. Cat Quest is a cute, furry parody of Todd Howard's creation that doesn't shy away from making fun of serious plot twists. Our hero's sister is kidnapped by a dark wizard who was not too lazy to sink our boat, but he did not even imagine that with this act he had signed his own death warrant. Our hero gained new powers and decided to go on a dangerous journey to defeat all the dragons and save his beloved sister. The fate of the whole world lies in his furry paws.

Before us is a minimalistic quest with colorful graphics. Our task is to help the cat-knight defeat the dark wizard, but for this we will have to work hard, because the local world is divided into zones limited in level. To advance through the plot, you will have to actively grind quests and local monsters, learning magic and new skills along the way. Here we need to be able to walk on water, here we need to find an approach to a difficult dragon, and here we need to go through a forest of furry thugs. It will not be possible to run through the game and we will have to patiently clear the quests. Our furry Dovahkiin has the ability to change equipment and weapons, combining various buffs, and also use magic. If we follow the quest line, we will never meet an enemy who will cause us the slightest difficulty, which means we can safely relax. Cat Quest is a simple diabloid for those who want to get rid of bad thoughts from their heads. A colorful fantasy world, lots of fluffy cats and a funny parody plot. An excellent cure for depression and the cause of mild gambling addiction for the next 10 hours.

[review has been translated by Google Translator]

A surprisingly very enjoyable Point-&-Click quest about a guy stuck in a bunker. The lack of illumination of objects, a minimal interface and very high-quality sound work can very well create an atmospheric passage for you. Of course, the lack of hints and lighting may slow down your progress a little, but believe me, all the riddles here have a logical solution, you just need a little patience and dexterous fingers to click through the surfaces. The plot here is very good, there are a lot of twists, there is mysticism, and in general it makes you read and touch everything around for additional details. The work with the environment is also impressive, because everything here is maximally imbued with the Soviet spirit: books with tattered pages, an old radio and even a bust of Stalin is here as if alive. In general, at first, having read the negative reviews, I thought it would be stuffy and boring, but instead I got a short and brilliant adventure in a Soviet bunker. I shake hands with our developers, I was able to have a good time here.

No matter what anyone says, I have certain feelings for Alane Wake. At the time, this simple game kept me on my toes, and watching Alan's story was a fascinating experience. Of course, time passes, new gameplay mechanics appear, but I simply cannot blame this game about a guy with a flashlight.

The plot will unfold in the small American town of Bright Falls, where the once famous writer Alan Wake and his wife Alice came to rest. At first everything was wonderful, the sun was shining brightly in the sky, and the air was fresh and clean. Bright Falls is surrounded on all sides by pine forests that stretch into the sky in orderly rows, so this riot of greenery pleases the eye. Strange things began in one local diner, where the radio began to make noise, and some old woman near the toilet suddenly grabbed Alan by the hand and urged him to stay in the light. But all the horrors were ahead. A cozy cottage on a small island in the middle of Lake Cauldron becomes a real abode of fear. Alan's beloved wife, Alice, is dragged underwater by an unknown creature, and the writer himself falls into a fit that ends in unconsciousness. He woke up only in the evening of the next day behind the wheel of a wrecked car in the middle of the highway. The surrounding area was covered in thick fog, and there was not a soul around. Moving deeper into the forest, Alan encounters unknown aggressive creatures that resemble people in appearance and consist entirely of dark haze. Their infernal voices teased and insulted Alan in every possible way, although he saw them for the first time. He also learned that these creatures are vulnerable to light and with the help of a flashlight you can burn the haze around them, which gave them invulnerability, and then finish what you started with a couple of shots from a revolver. Having broken through to the city, Alan does not recognize him, and having met his literary agent Barry, he completely learns that he disappeared several weeks ago and has not been in touch all this time. Our writer will have to find out the reason for the mysterious events in Bright Falls and figure out why this incomprehensible set of circumstances is very reminiscent of the plot of his own old novel called “Liberation”.

I would call this game an action thriller, since there is more emphasis on combat than on the horror component. The game is completely linear and we will simply move through the story locations. The main gameplay mechanic is the confrontation between light and darkness. Under the bright illumination of city lamps, health is preserved and restored, and the opponents themselves endure the light painfully. In order to make them vulnerable to attacks from firearms, we need to precisely shine a flashlight at them, which will burn up our supply of batteries. Depending on the power of the flashlight, battery consumption will vary. We will also have at our disposal various weapons to dispose of enemies, such as a revolver, a rocket launcher, a shotgun, flash-noise grenades and flares.

The battles here are closed arenas, where in addition to opponents, we will be attacked by various objects contaminated by darkness, from trash cans and boxes, to lampposts and even cars. We'll be making heavy use of the environment, trying to cluster enemies together to enhance the effect of powerful weapons like spotlights. But in general, despite the apparent threat, the battles here are not particularly difficult.

It will be difficult to say anything about the landscapes here, because we will spend most of the game in a dark forest, where everything is shrouded in fog, but as for the thematic locations, they are done well. A spectacular battle in a corn field where a rock concert was held, city battles on narrow streets and a whole bossfight with a dark tornado. Opponents are coming at you from all sides, objects are flying everywhere, and you are frantically reloading your flashlight and pistol. You are constantly involved in the gameplay, often turning around to check for opponents behind you. But as for ammunition, then my respect to the developers. Throughout the game we will be generously given large packs of ammo, grenades and batteries, so I have never seen a shortage of these items. What can we say about the caches, which are literally bursting with loot.

The plot here is quite confusing and full of various small details that are difficult to catch on the first playthrough. Personally, I had to go online to piece together the whole picture of what was happening. It is worth admitting that Remedy has made a good foundation for their future gaming universe and I am very glad that they continue to expand it.

As for the add-ons, I found them somewhat chaotic and even, at times, complex, but I really liked the main game. I love the atmosphere of suspense and the gradual revelation of plot details with paranormal activities, like in some old series like The X-Files or Twin Peaks. Remedy wanted to make a tense thriller, and for the most part, they succeeded. I hope in the second part they will reveal even more plot details to us which will complement Alan's story with interesting and exciting events. At times stuffy, boring, but still my favorite game thriller about a talented writer who was able to create his own dark universe.

I've always liked the genre of mockumentary games. Of course, for the most part, they are all quite predictable and crammed with glitches, interference and other unpleasant effects, but still there is something in these leisurely walks through abandoned places. Some games even come close to such quality that sometimes you get goosebumps down your spine. The stylization of old VHS recordings adds realism to the picture and attracts attention. You will inevitably want to know how it all ends.

Our main character's name is Tim and he has been making his living as a blogger for many years. His content is not for everyone, because he loves abandoned buildings and various urban legends, which Tim is actively trying to disprove. This guy will climb into any specified place for a donation, because his fear of the dark has long disappeared, and the instinct of self-preservation has been drowned out by the thirst for profit. So this time, Tim was given an impressive amount of money so that the guy would film a report from one of the creepiest and most rumored places - an abandoned hospital in the forest. Having set off on this journey, Tim had no idea what kind of story he would end up in. People have been disappearing in these places since 1986, and now our main character needs to make every effort to avoid becoming another nameless victim.

I didn’t think that one developer I knew had a hand in this game - EMIKA_GAMES. I'm familiar with a lot of his work, so it was nice to know that he also participated in the creation of this game. At its core, this is a survival horror in the style of a mockumentary. All we will do is just walk around the locations and look for scripts to activate. There won't be anything special here other than reading notes and looking for keys. The main feature here is high-quality voice acting and high-resolution textures. Our steps echo loudly in the empty building, and someone is scratching in the ventilation. I believe that the developers succeeded in creating a short, atmospheric adventure game with high-quality screamers and a mysterious story. Of course, horror veterans will find the plot here naive and simple, but if you abstract from these thoughts, you will get a graphic and tense walk in the surroundings of an abandoned hospital, where we will never be alone.

If you are looking for an excellent story-driven action game in the setting of medieval Europe, then I advise you to pay attention to this game. Despite the fact that it consists of scripted walks along the corridors, this spectacle cannot be called boring. And it will be quite difficult for you to see the “corridors”. The world around seems endless, and the sky above your head is endless. The graphics here are very beautiful, and the soundtrack is pleasing.

From the very beginning, the game sets a dark tone for the narrative and a feeling of complete lack of escape. There is devastation all around, crowds of plague rats are swarming in dead bodies, and everywhere crosses are drawn with chalk on the doors of already dead residents. And despite the gloom and cruel images of death, the game manages to be incredibly beautiful and atmospheric. Beautiful forest landscapes are mixed with fires, human suffering and hordes of rats. It would seem that beauty and death are incompatible concepts, but the developers did the opposite. They painted a picture, one glance at which plunges you into horror. But on the other hand, you admire the scale of the work and its majestic beauty. A huge horde of rats is devouring villages and cities alive, and our heroine, in an attempt to save her brother, is forced to take up arms to defend herself from both rats and people. But even here the game is not categorical - we can practically not kill anyone, bypassing patrols using stealth, or distracting the guards. Thus, we have a choice - to continue to fight the demons, avoiding cruelty, or to become death itself in the flesh, killing everyone left and right. The plot also turned out to be interesting and there are even charismatic characters.

For me, games like this are a pleasant find. A sip of water after stuffy indies or boring adventure games. Here, everything I love is human relationships, landscapes and intense action that makes you play carefully. I'm really looking forward to the second part, fortunately there is less and less time left before its release. I highly recommend checking it out.

It's been a while since I've done a horror movie with an underwater theme. This time we got our hands on a budget but beautiful horror story with mesmerizing underwater landscapes of a flooded scientific complex.

Time passes, but humanity has not yet revealed the secret of the Bermuda Triangle. Over the past few centuries, dozens of planes and ships have perished in this damned anomaly, but their searches have not yielded any results - experts could not find even the slightest trace of debris. In Abyss of the Neptune, we will have the unique opportunity to travel into the heart of the Bermuda Triangle to find the source of a mysterious signal. Here we will find an unknown abandoned complex, where there is still electricity, and in the offices you can find incomprehensible records about the events that took place in this place. The creepiest thing here is that in the flooded corridors you can constantly hear noises and impacts on metal walls. We are clearly not alone here.

Before us is another indie horror but in an underwater horror setting. The gameplay is simple - we will move along narrow corridors and hatches in search of quest items and places to use them. Oxygen replenishment and conservation occur near specialized checkpoints, into which we will first need to insert special lithium batteries. In addition to research, we will also have to solve not the most obvious puzzles and even flee from opponents. Perhaps the most difficult thing in the game is the controls. At first, swimming in narrow corridors will be very difficult, but after playing for a couple of hours, you can quite get used to the new conditions. The plot here is incomprehensible and abrupt, the timing is short, and the puzzles are sometimes stuffy, but the episodes with the escape from monsters and the landscapes of flooded corridors are certainly notable here. I recommend playing this to those who like games with an underwater setting. All other players risk being strangled on the first puzzle with batteries.

New Year's holidays are in full swing, which means it's time to start sorting out your gaming library. Dozens of new projects are released every day, so it’s worth keeping yourself in shape so as not to miss out on a lot of interesting things. My recent guest was the short adventure game Creepy Tale, which I had already played through in my time. Since my plans were to go through the entire trilogy, I didn’t want to miss out on the content of the first part.

The issue of children's fears is at the forefront of many horror works. Creepy monsters, darkness or the unknown - it is very easy to scare a child, because the world around him is huge and incomprehensible, and the absence of adults nearby creates a feeling of helplessness and vulnerability. Often, few people can be nearby and stand up for a defenseless little person, so in many cases you have to rely only on yourself.

The heroes of our story today also did not expect to get into trouble, but they did not have to choose. An ordinary walk through the forest in search of mushrooms turned into a terrible shock for two brothers and led them straight to mortal danger that loomed over the entire area. Evil has settled in the heart of the forest, abducting children at the hands of terrible giant monsters rotting alive who do not take other people's lives into account. Our brother has been captured by these creatures and there is no one around to help us. Therefore, it was on our fragile shoulders that the difficult mission of saving our brother fell. We cannot abandon our loved ones, which means it’s time to fight back the forces of evil.

Before us is a short quest where we will play the role of a little boy. Finding ourselves in the forest at the wrong moment, we witness the abduction of our own brother by terrible creatures and now our task is to find him in the dense thicket and rescue him from captivity. Our hero does not have any special abilities or skills, which means we will have to improvise. The dark forest is teeming with unfriendly creatures, so you will have to be vigilant. The gameplay consists of passing through limited levels in which we will have to look for tools and other available items to achieve certain goals. We have no health or stamina indicators, and besides, we are not able to protect ourselves, so any collision with ill-wishers will send us to a checkpoint. The game is replete with various puzzles and logic tasks, but they will not cause any problems for the average player, due to the presence of numerous tips.

Visually, Creepy Tale looks modest, but there is still something attractive about it. It feels like you are watching an old cartoon that is not subject to modern rules, so our attention will be presented to a wide variety of manifestations of cruelty. The main beauty of the game is that we can influence the events that take place and watch how evil gets what it deserves. I liked the soundtrack here, and the overall style pleased me with its folkloric quality. There is something from the Brothers Grimm in this game and it's great.

Creepy Tale is an excellent example of a laconic quest that manages to show the player everything planned in a short duration. No backtracking or pixel hunting - everything is extremely clear and on the surface. Of course, the plot here raises many questions, and the ending will not tell us anything, but it is precisely this understatement that will play a role in the future. The first part formed an excellent foundation on which future projects will be built. I liked what I saw and completed everything in one go. The puzzles are extremely clear, and the game events unfold quickly. A wonderful quest in the spirit of old fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm, which can give you a lot of impressions.
