This is one of my favourite games. I just wish the combat didn't

i played this and enjoyed it but then it suddenly showed my worst trigger and i had a panic attack so oof

This game was obviously a massive deal when it released, and what it did for the industry as a whole cannot be understated. At the time is was absolutely one of the best, if not THE best game the world had ever seen.

Playing it for the first time today though? It.. actually holds up a lot better than I was expecting! The controls are a bit strange at first, but fortunately the first handful of levels are very well designed to let you get used to them. The camera is wonky or just outright bad at times, though that can mostly be forgiven for me, given it didn't really have anything better to take notes from.
Some aspects of the game do control pretty poorly though. Flying around with the wing cap, something I had always heard was a magical and amazing experience, felt absolutely miserable to me. The flight controls and camera are definitely some areas where the game does show it's age. A few of the missions are also just plain tedious and boring. But the fortunate thing about that is that you have enough wiggle room to only get the stars you feel like. I did not enjoy playing Tiny Huge Island at all, but fortunately, I didn't have to! I had the minimum 70 stars without getting a single one from this level. In the end, I believe the far better way to play this game is to ignore all the objectives you don't want and see if you can't squeeze out 70 stars doing the ones you want to. Early on, I made the mistake of treating the game like a checklist, and the first few hours after Bob-omb Battlefield and Whomps Fortress were rough for me to say the least. But then I let go of my need to do everything, and the game became MUCH more enjoyable. Of course, here i'm judging the package as a whole, and there were quite a lot of stars that annoyed and/or bored me, and i do feel like it's worth docking points for that, even if they are possible to ignore

Overall, this game holds up better than I thought going in! It's far from perfect and it can be jarring to go into today. But there is a reason it's so fondly remembered and beloved even to this very day. It's very worth taking a look at all these years later, and a very interesting look at the beginnings of the modern 3D platformer

A very bad case of "good when you master it, terrible for newcomers". This is a theme with the whole Zero series, but it's especially bad with the first one. I did enjoy the game with save states, but without them, it's one of the most frustrating games I've played

A very big comfort game for me, one I can just turn on and play through in an hour when I'm feeling bored or down

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The only good part was when I cut my finger off, that was fun

Adorable little puzzle game. Nothing special, but it also doesn't try to be. The puzzles are actually rather challenging later on

I never knew how much I needed this game in my life. Murder mysteries and picross are two things I adore, and while in hindsight combining the two feels obvious, I can't say I ever thought the idea was something I wanted. But oh boy, when I first heard about this game I freaked out with excitement, it feels like it was made specifically for me

A very charming and fun little adventure game. Not much in the gameplay department, but makes up for it with a very unique, casual style of writing, which makes the admittedly simple story work a lot better. A bit too short, but a good time overall

Tries to capitalise on the "small quirky comedy game" thing that Untitled Goose Game started, but unfortunately misses the mark. Tasks often end up taking longer than it should, and unfortunately certain ones feel more like busy-work and just aren't fun to do, regardless of how much you just mess around. The game does have its moments, and there is certainly some charm to it, but it overstays it's welcome. It's fun for a few hours but unfortunately keeps going for so long that the joke stops being funny

Very creative and funny little puzzler this one, and I don't mind the short length. Good for a boring afternoon, but you probably won't get much more out of it than that

A great game with fantastic gamplay, characters and storytelling, that unfortunately bites off a bit more than it could chew in my opinion. Goes on a bit too long for my liking, but still a solid game regardless

"Sigrid, this is a golf game how can you give it a 9 out of 10" it's a good golf game fuck you