It shares the same issues that I had with the Crash Bandicoot 2 remake, however the blow is softened by having the added abilities that you obtain. The super spin and double jump saved a few of my time trial runs.

The jet ski levels were also a nightmare due to controls yet conquering them and getting the gold time trial relics gave me a great sense of accomplishment. I can't imagine going for platinum relics though, that's where I drew the line.

Overall the time trials in this weren't as bad as the second game in the trilogy so it felt better to complete and get 100% of achievements.

A very beautiful game to look at, and it is fun idea playing both sides of the conflict. Unfortunately the game is incredibly boring. I started it in May 2023 and it took me nearly a year to force myself to finish it to get it out of my "Playing" list.

There was also a potential game breaking bug in one of the early missions that stops most people's playthroughs. I was actually disappointed when I found a way around it and was able to continue.

A decent time but can be very frustrating. Some issues I had were in regards to the Remaster and others were issues that carried over from the original game, which it is more difficult to be hard on as it is a classic that changed gaming forever for the better.

Graphics weren't too bad. With quality of life improvements it feels like they did the bare minimum. For example: adding checkpoints when you die in a mission, but there are no mid-mission checkpoints. For the most part this wasn't too bad, it was only an annoyance for me in later missions that were longer and more frustrating. At least there are checkpoints at all. I remember dropping the original game on PC as soon as I stopped having fun with repeating missions I was failing (I know I know - skill issue).

The radio stations have also lost 21 tracks that were in the Xbox version. Towards the end I got so sick of hearing the same songs over and over that I would just drive with the radio turned off.

One thing from the classic that really bothered me as well was the hostile gangs. I don't want to say too much for spoiler reasons but if you know you know. Racing missions became near impossible for me if I attempted them after certain story missions. Some very poor gameplay decisions were made there by the original Rockstar team.

Towards the end I chose to use a walkthrough for one of the final missions where you have to drive around all 3 islands destroying certain objectives that don't appear on your minimap until you get really close (I really feel for the classic players that didn't have the minimap at all). I wish I didn't have to but after failing it once I already couldn't be bothered repeating it more than once.

Overall it's a classic game worth playing and experiencing but I believe it is not worth finishing.

I played this on an Xbox Series X and I have never played the Nintendo 64 version. This was my first time with the game so no nostalgia goggles.

For it’s time it has a great sense of speed and surprisingly the pods feel how you would expect them to.

My only real problem with the game is the length of some of the tracks. A few of them can end up being up to 9 minute races with their 3 laps! Also there is one track that I had to look up a guide for because without a certain character it was very frustrating. “Abyss”.. that’s all I’ll say.

Besides that though I enjoyed my time with this game and I really like the mechanic where you can go to the Junkyard, trade your high-end pod part for the same part but more damaged for a profit and then your pit droids repair the damaged part. I would actually really like to see this mechanic in another modern racer.

Overall I recommend completing this game and going for all the achievements.

I accidentally started this quest early into my first ever playthrough of this game. This made the DLC a nightmare as I wasn't good enough at the game. I pushed through to the end but I felt like my time was wasted and I was completely burnt out after being destroyed by the enemies multiple times.

I enjoyed the story and I admit that the poor experience was mostly my fault and this may have been a big contributor to me abandoning the game as a whole not long after finishing this DLC.

A very satisfying game with a fun concept. I was playing on an Xbox Series X and experienced a few frame rate drops but nothing game breaking.

This game also does collectables right. Each collectable helps speed up the evolution of your shark and the game comes with an ability you can upgrade that assists in finding them, no online guides needed. I stopped going for 100% achievements in games recently but this one was a joy to complete given I didn't have to look anything up and going for the 100% improved my experience with the game.

Only other criticism I have is that I wish they gave the ability to customize button layout on the controller as the presets didn't have what I wanted. I wanted to rebind the the thrash ability as furiously wiggling the right analog stick left and right can get tiring and annoying in longer play sessions.

Overall great game and I recommend going for the 100%.

Decent RPG with a story that kept me engaged for most of my playthrough. At times I found myself enjoying this game but then other times it felt like a chore. I didn't expect myself to get so locked onto the story, wanting to know the outcome of many of the quests.

However many quests can feel draining and boring and you find yourself running from person to person just acting as everyone's messenger. It's not a great formula, but I feel like it wouldn't be as bad if your character didn't run as slow as they do. There is a run option however it feels just ever so slightly slower than it should be, and your character will suddenly lose momentum if you move the analogue stick in a way the game does not like.

At least by the time I was really getting bored, I was overpowered so could breeze through the last part of the game before I became too burnt out.

Still, I recommend this game as it feels unique to many of the other RPGs from around this time.

I had no prior knowledge of the source material so going in I was expecting to play a children's platformer for a laugh. I was wrong.

For the first few levels I was still under the impression that I was playing a soulless kid's game but about half way through the first world I realized I was playing a somewhat janky, easy but fun platformer. I was flying through levels and time trials thinking I had an easy 100% ahead of me. Then came the 3rd world and DLC world.

This game had me conflicted. I was getting irritated by some of the janky mechanics like ping-ponging off ledges, attaching to floating rings when I didn't want to (or attaching to the wrong ones) and enemy hitboxes that sometimes don't make sense. At the same time though I couldn't put the game down and found it extremely rewarding to master a gold time trial that I had been stuck on for the last 30-60 minutes.

The game seems to really shine and show a culmination of all the developers' best ideas in the DLC world so I'm glad I finished with that and on the highest possible note (not having time trials in Cataclysm mode really helped!)

I'm very happy I gave the game the time I did and I came out feeling accomplished with my 100% completion, however I would not do it again.

I really wanted to continue as I was enjoying the story and the idea of the game, however for me personally it was too hard and I didn't want to put in the time to get better. The combat just wasn't fun enough for me to justify pushing forward.

I found a guide that shows you how to gain high levels in most skills during the tutorial of the game. Unfortunately I found this guide after the tutorial and 16 hours into my playthrough so maybe one day I will pick this game up again and use the tutorial tricks to lessen the skill issue.

Still a great world and immersive story.

Out of the 3 villain DCs for Far Cry 6, this one felt the least polished and was the one I had the least amount of fun with.

It has all the same issues as the previous DLCs, that being it's extremely repetitive (Story Mode difficulty is your friend if you don't want to burn out too early) plus a few extras.

For some reason the character models are very ugly. When standing up close to talking NPCs the mouth animations reminded me of the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube era. It was made even more obvious when the environment still looked like pretty Far Cry 6 for the most part.

The world is also very bland and boring to traverse. With the previous DLCs I had fun trying to work out the fastest route to take using the wingsuit, parachute, and vehicles. By the end, even though I was getting annoyed with the repetition, I found some enjoyment and accomplishment with getting my completion time lower with each playthrough. Unfortunately I didn't get this feeling with Collapse and I found after completing the main tasks for the first time I was already thinking to myself, "Doing this 4 more times is going to be horrible."

I'm glad I played it to learn more about Joseph, but I was extremely relieved to be done with it.

Very slow, boring, and repetitive gameplay with frustrating mechanics and an uninspired storyline. The only thing that got me to the end was the feeling of not wanting to let this game beat me.

After playing the Vaas Insanity DLC and feeling burnt out from the repetative mechanics, I left the difficulty on "Story Mode" so I could just take in the story and achieve the 100% completion.

This is how I would recommend playing these DLCs. While it is still overly repetitive, having it on "Easy" at least helped prevent burnout.

The Pagan Min character is great, especially with Troy Baker reprising his role. I personally enjoy this character more than Vaas so in combination with that, the difficulty being reduced, and the beautiful location, I preferred this DLC more.

I played this on an Xbox Series X in "Graphics" mode up until the final palace where I had to drop my settings down to "Performance" mode as it crashed twice. Because I started the game in "Graphics" mode I had no idea how much I hindered my overall experience. I felt like for the whole game up until that point I could not get my combat timings right so I was getting frustrated, only to change my settings to "Performance" and find that my skill in combat greatly improved!

While I did find the combat frustrating during my playthrough because of this, it forced me to rely more on stealth which took me back to the days of Assassin's Creed 2007 and Assassin's Creed 2 where you had to be more careful to avoid open combat.

Unfortunately the characters aren't memorable and are really hard to keep track of and the story gets boring at times. I found myself going for collectibles thinking to myself, "I wish I could just ignore these and go back to the story." However when going into the story I found myself thinking, "I think I preferred going for the collectables." So I was very torn and often questioned if I was having fun.

The world is pretty and dense, but no location left a mark in my mind besides the Bazaar and The Green Dome Palace. Not a bad game overall and I'm glad I can say I ticked it off my list.

I haven't played Assassin's Creed Valhalla and only learned after finishing Mirage that Basim (Mirage's protagonist) is the mentor for Valhalla's protagonist. So I'm glad I played them in this order as it didn't potentially spoil anything while playing Mirage and has given me more incentive to play Valhalla.

Gameplay loop is boring and frustrating with little feeling of reward. I really tried to push through hoping it would improve as it had some good ideas and beautiful visuals, but I just couldn't go any further than the 3rd area.

It's good if you want more of that Far Cry 3 goodness before shelving the game but overall it's only 4 missions and not too interesting.