7 reviews liked by Simon_Koloskov

what if we made the most interesting horror game ever and then made it boring after the first 4 hours

I'm not saying this is the most disappointing sequel of anything ever. But it's definitely up there!

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I mostly had fun playing it for first time in 2023. Game for 2001 looks okay plays good but I can only recommend it if you have some old hardware to play it properly (Or strong will as i had) because if you play on new hardware even community patches are not 100% guaranty that you will be able to finish this game. I had 3 issues. First one was random game freezes after death with sound fixes. Second was with widescreen patch u can't properly alt tab from game (this first two could be on me bcs of community patches) and third one was game critical bug in act 1 chapter 5 or 6 can't remember properly, when the cutscene is playing u can got killed in a middle of it so you have to go a back a little to make it through.
Overall i enjoyed it.

This is the closest this series ever got to having a consistently defined style and vibe. Hitman in his emo arc.

Hard as hell, not super fun, but I dug a more reserved and dark look that made me take it more seriously, and the soundtrack is genuinely great.

A masterpiece of mood, art direction and storytelling. it is still mind bendingly good and on this (second) playthrough it managed to crack my TOP 15.

Still manages to amaze and impress you with it's amount of "unnecessary" details. I can't stress enough how good the trio interactions are written, GTA V is the game that successfully captured that phenomena of a group dynamic, when people slightly change their attitude depending on who else is in the room. The characters of the main trio are well realised and full, but it's their morphing and changing quality in interactions with each other that makes them shine. When Trevor finally gets to have a conversation with Lamar - that moment is nothing short of a revelation to me.

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