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5 days ago

SiriusStarlight finished Super Adventure Rockman
Take a shot every time you see that one mega buster animation get reused (you know the one (actually no you don't there's two that get reused a billion times in this))

9 days ago

SiriusStarlight completed Super Adventure Rockman
Take a shot every time you see that one mega buster animation get reused (you know the one (actually no you don't there's two that get reused a billion times in this))

9 days ago

SiriusStarlight commented on HiTheHello's review of Persona 3: The Answer
I think Episode Aigis does have a lot of promise with improving on a lot of narrative elements, since a lot of its major elements are stuff I really like on paper (Yukari's characterization) that felt a bit off in execution. I always like seeing you talk about P3's gameplay after being so used to basically everyone else just rejecting the AI party aspect of its mechanics outright. Great stuff.

12 days ago

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