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1 day

Last played

July 26, 2022

Platforms Played


After being skeptical on the game when they showed footage of it, I generally came around to enjoying the game when I gave it more hours but I still have some gripes with it. Time for BULLET POINT THOUGHTS

- Characters are designed well and generally interesting. Lots of weird properties and status ailment shit as well as team exclusive shit because ultimately the game is a 2v2 game
- The game visually is... ok? It has a better budget than other games of its ilk but honestly presentation wise it's rather bland. Even the soundtrack shares the problems newer Mortal Konbats have with their soundtracks where they fail to stand out in gameplay at all and you can barely tell that the game has an ost at all.
- A big contributor to the game's blandness is its stages, these things feel the most incomplete due to how little they have going on, and the fact that multiple stages have multiple layout variants to test out for potential competitive play means they get boring to look at real quick. The most complete stages are the most gimmicky ones and they're mostly fine but annoying. Also, having death pitfalls in the middle of the stage sucks and is dumb and please do not continue doing it ty.
- Gameplay itself at the level you'll get from a beta that's a week old for some is largely a giant chaotic mess in 2v2. If you're a normal human being shitting down to do some dumb button mashing you'll have a grand ol' time but if you want to really dig deep into the co-op mechanics and shit you will need a friend because hooray we put a solo queue experience into a fucking fighting game how novel
- Perks are a neat system that's bad in practice because it's in a F2P game and we HAVE to tie it to some dumb grind leveling system. You wanna play a new character? Accept the fact that it'll take some 20 odd matches until you get at a sufficient level to unlock the perks that actually make the character complete. At the very least when you queue into a match you can use perks that your teammate unlocked and you can stack them for marginal bonuses which is nice
- Coins, the game's main currency, should only be used to unlock characters. The amount of coins you get from matches is paltry and the surplus of coins you'll get early on is tied to leveling your profile or your characters profile or your battle pass and that's shit that can dry out quick. Using coins for unlocking perks for characters and additional rerolls when a battle pass quest tells you to play a certain character you haven't unlocked yet is shit.

So yeah that's the dumb bullet point rant. I'll probably continue to play it because my broken brain runs on doing daily quest shit (and hey you can do battle pass bullshit against bots) and Pickle Rick is gonna be in the game in a few weeks time. Hooray.

P.S. They ruined the one fun thing Iron Giant could do which was using an uppercut to juggle people because you could rise in the air with fuel. It wasn't even broken because you could DI and dodge out of it at normal percents. Please fix thx