Did not care for the story of the campaign. Got bored of it so quickly and also seemed too complex for absolutely no reason.

The multiplayer to this game was pretty good. I liked the mechanics of wall running and double jumps. Always loved camo grinding. The new classes or whatever they were called were interesting although I really only played like 2 of them (the bow lady and the knife dude).

Zombies is cranked up to an 11 here. New maps were absolutely perfect with maps like Shadows of evil, Der Eisendrache, and Gorod Krovi. Widows wine was a cool new perk, awesome new wonder weapons. Gobble gums is a interesting idea although I do feel as it sometimes can take away the challenge but I guess if you don't wanna use them then don't. And of course zombies chronicles is absolute peak. Bringing back the best maps with updates in graphics, new weapons, perks, etc is a fantastic idea.

Overall a good cod.

I like the flying and graphics in this game.

Otherwise this was an absolute dumpster fire of a game.

This game will forever be the one game that I both absolutely adore and utterly despise. There are so many ups and downs to it. I'm going to make a pros and cons list because I feel it is the simplest way to list things.

- Story and lore in this game are on a completely different level. So many things are interconnected and so many amazing stories to be told. Love a lot of the characters in this game as well.
- The gunplay and mechanics to this game feel buttery smooth, makes the game super addicting.
- Raids, Dungeons, and Endgame content are some of my favorite moments within this game. Making awesome friends and solving puzzles and fighting against bosses make up some of my favorite memories of this game.
- Progression, getting your favorite guns and armor, making your character look cool, it all feels awesome.
- Artwork, Scenery, and Graphics as this is one of the best looking games ever and still holds up even though it was made in 2016.

- Money. Oh boys is this game expensive as could be, you have to spend so much money to get all the content. Also they charge you for the coolest looking armor and to make your guns look cooler as well.
- PvP is an absolute mess rn. PvP rarely sees that many major updates, but they do have a dedicated community.
- Gambit... Need I say really anymore.
- Seasonal layout/ DLC lately as been similar every couple of months so seeing something new and fresh would be nice.

This game is a love/hate relationship and it always will be. The devs to this game keep saying that they love this game and they want to expand on it as much as they can, but lately that doesn't seem to be the case. So lets just hope for the best in the future.

Another great addition to the amnesia series. One of my favorite atmospheres within a horror game. Also I think it has a unique setting taking place in a WW1 Bunker. The lore behind the game is interesting and the creature itself is awesome. Similar AI to Alien Isolation, maybe a little bit worse, but again makes you strategize instead of just waiting for it to get off its main path. THE IDEA TO HAVE YOUR LIGHT MAKE NOISE TO USE IT IS A FANTASTIC IDEA. Awesome resource management. Also amazing graphics and love the map layout making it feel smooth between barely any loading zones.

There are some negatives to this game however, the games length is definitely one of them. I beat this game in a single sitting, which isn't a terrible thing, but I wish it could have been longer.

A horror game that really brings out the elements of horror. Always have loved the Sci-fi and space horror genre and this fills its shoes. The AI for the alien in this game makes it feel like you actually need to strategize on how to get around it other then wait for it to walk off its set path. Good story as well as it ties in with the alien movies quite well. Only thing dragging it down would be the games ending fatigue.

I remember this being one of the first ever pc games that I bought, and I didn't like it at first. I tried playing it with a keyboard and also was not used to a 2d platformer experience. So when I realized that I needed to backtrack to progress in the game, I quit it and didn't return for a long time. Came back recently to the game, and realized how much I had missed out on. I played the game on controller and this turned out to be one of the best games I've ever played. Fantastic bosses, great level design, Gorgeous art, awesome lore/story. Now after all this time I'm even trying to 100% the game getting every achievement. Highly recommend to anybody.

Fantastic Game from start to finish. Perfect open world with so many places to explore, difficulty is perfect, good story, its all there.