Games I want to do long reviews for

Credit goes to for the list idea! Consider this a mission statement for what I want to make in the future, between playing fresh experiences and logging old favourites. I feel a little bad that most of these are negative in some way, but criticism's just as important as adoration, I suppose...

This game is more or less Okami 2, and yet everybody keeps comparing it to Bayonetta???
Kinda want to do more of a whole series retrospective, just chose this one because it's the only like... Good One, I suppose. There's something fascinating in how relatively tame and chaste these games are, contrasted heavily by how sexually depraved the fandom around them is, and how that leads to a false impression that these games play a lot better than they actually do? It's such a weird scenario...
HOOOOOOOO BOY, DO I GOT A LOT OF PENT UP ANGER OVER THIS GAME AND THE BEHIND THE SCENES ATROCITIES, especially as a backer of the Kickstarter all those years ago... The trouble is, do I even play the game at this point? Do I even engage with it, when I could spend that time working on something more positive?
The very definition of a mixed bag, and want to highlight just how good/bad any given element is, depending on my own mood that day. Might be better as a video review, if I can get off my arse to do it?
Specifically, I want to talk about all the talent that all seemingly collaborated on this game, from the Love-De-Lic boys, Yoko Shimomura and even Chihiro Fujioka, more so than the actual game, which has admittedly aged pretty badly as an 'entry point RPG for kids'.
On the flipside, I want to give this game a proper, in depth overview in order to make up for the DOGSHIT review that's up there currently. Love ya JaxMagnetic, but you did this diamond in the rough dirty...
Absolutely HATED playing this game about a decade ago, and I'd like to give it the proper dressing down it deserves. However, there's the chance a replay might endear me more to it? Still don't understand why people think it's God's Gift to Sidescrollers, though...


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