It's so close to perfect. It really is a wild ride (pun intended). The story and world are so engaging but it's bogged down by being too real. Half of the time spent playing is trudging across the map slowly on a horse. Another quarter of it is spent looting bodies for ammo and money. It's a great experience but sometimes fails to be a good game. When it hits hits hard.

The fun in this game is entirely dependent on who you play with. When it's fun, its REAL fun.

Iconic platformer. Can't go wrong with this one. Great music, great levels, great design.

A perfect game. The best platformer ever made. Iconic music and levels. I love this game.

I don't understand the hate for this one. It's inventive and tries new things all the time. I definitely think the levels are a bit more interesting than DKC 1 but it loses some points for an arguably less interesting theme. Kiddy Kong is also terrible, and the spider boss too.

Pretty good return to form. Some interesting gimmicks here but largely kinda forgettable compared to the other entries.

Now this is good. Great music, great level variety. This is up there in the discussion for best DKC game.

This game hits. A little slow at times and some cheese encounters but this one of the good ones.

This game was a good gameplay wise as the first one. But man, if their goal was to create a story about people I don't care about they did a great job. What a mistake that was.

I'd tried in the past to play through P3 but the PS2 was just a little too jank for me. This version really brought the game into <current year> and made it more enjoyable. But man do you still feel the PS2 jank. The singular dungeon felt like a slog. It was my least favorite part of the game and wasn't nearly as cool or interesting as anything in P4 or P5. Most of the social links in this game were also just booty. But when this story hits it hits different. That ending was gloriously sad.

Spreading freedom is really fun. Great game to play with friends. I can see the gameplay loop getting stale in the future so hopefully they keep updating.

A good light version of the Klonoa series. Portable puzzle platformer.

Not as good as the other GBA release. The bosses are kinda whack and there's some levels that just have really weird puzzle solutions. Hidden items are also occasionally lame.