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This game is the definition of whiplash. It's a fantastic action RPG that gets brought down by a ton of poor design choices. For starters the combat is really engaging. I love the fights and all the abilities and how unique the characters are (even if I used Aerith and Tifa for 95% of the game).

What I dislike though is how much content there is. I can hear the cries of people saying that I just want a linear CoD hallway simulator type game. That's not it. I enjoy good side content but this isn't it. It's the same collectathon type bullshit in every area. I feel like I'm playing Assassin's Creed with how many towers I climbed. The amount of minigames in here is also way too much. Did we really need to recycle the motorcycle section from the last game and have 2 tower defenses? And even the side quests that are ok suffer from horrible difficultly balance. Looking at you ultimate party animal. It was definitely a quantity over quality type deal here. It was obvious they were just padding out the length of the game since it's the "middle part".

That brings me to the story. What a crock of horse doodoo. The character stuff is great. I love the characterization we get for everyone and how they interact, that's perfect. What I can't get behind is this multiple timeline mumbo jumbo. We beat Sephiroth 10 times and he's still around. Ghost Aerith is here because Cloud touched alt universe #6 Aerith. If it sounds stupid that's because it is. I'm not some VII purist that thinks this needed to be a 1:1 remake but man what they did here is not it.

Loved the game, wanted to love it more. I can't give it a higher score because of the many issues with it. Hope they do a better job with the last one.

Also fuck you for not making Vincent playable.

A perfect game. The best platformer ever made. Iconic music and levels. I love this game.

I was hype when I saw this compared to Super Mario World but it definitely didn't hit the same. I was promised whacky levels and while they were cool it wasn't nearly as whacky as I'd have hoped. Music was also surprisingly mid for a Mario game. Levels were still fun though.

I played this on release and boy was it some hot garbage. I'm happy to see it's grown into what everyone wanted it to be. It wasn't perfect. There was way too much pointless content. So many gigs. Some of the main story quests felt pointless too. A lot of dead ends that didn't amount to anything. Where this game excels though is in it's world building and character connections. I've never wanted to live in a place more than I do Night City. And given how much of a cesspit it is that's a big compliment.

A GOATED Mario experience. Great worlds, levels, and powerups. You can ride a shoe fam.

Honestly it's pretty good but there's TOO much to collect. Mario is always better with focused platforming. This was TOO open for my taste.

I love me a good rebel story. Cool departure from the established setting that focuses on the down to Earth conflict.

GREAT pocket Mario adventure. Less jank and definitely more soul.

The one that started it all. It's just ok though.

Doki doki good game. Shy guys are best.

The perfect FPS 2: Electric Boogaloo