It was fun at first but the community was incredibly toxic and just the worst. It also got kinda boring after a while and I and my friends just stopped playing it. I had my fun with it, and if you like realistic war sims and have a god-tier PC then pick it up on sale.

I really, really enjoy Monster Hunter. It's one of the more addictive and creative games I've played in recent memory, and I was glad to have taken a chance on the franchise with World.

The game's worlds are beautiful and filled with life, and the Monsters inhabiting it help make it feel like the world is always evolving. The Monsters are all forces to be reckoned with, all proven to be a challenge to even the most experienced player. For each hunt, the player must research, attack, and adapt to ensure their success. Fights are long and grueling, but don't let that scare you away as the fights are never the same "rinse and repeat" combat that most games are used to utilizing. Depending on your build, each fight will be different allowing for each hunt to not only reward items for crafting but memories as well.

I played the game with a buddy of mine and we had a blast with it. Hunting Monsters with a friend gave me a wonderful gaming experience that is gonna be hard to beat. We both had different builds that we both took hours to complete, and our teamwork helped eliminate the feeling of "grindyness" the game holds within. It was a special way of playing, and I miss our little rag-tag team of hunters.

MHW is a masterpiece of a game. It's addicting, fun, and a bit challenging but it never outstays its welcome. While I beat the game a while back I'm still plowing through Iceborne with some pals, and I'm still creating new memories to this day. I wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone, as I think everyone should give this series a chance.

While it's definitely not my style of game, I did enjoy my time playing it with my competitive obsessed friends. I was awful at it, but it made it much more fun in that way. Plus, I did get a little bit of a rush when we won. If you're a super competitive gamer and you were already thinking of getting this, just do it. It's free. You'd be stupid not to.

It's a fun strategy game that kept me hooked due to the amazing modding support. I'm a big history buff, and getting to play god in humanity's turmoil is pretty great. My favorite moment was playing a Modern Day Mod and causing George W. Bush so much trouble since I sparked the Second-American Civil War as Communist Egypt and then proceeded to build an Empire. It's a fun time if you're into strategy games, and I recommend it if you are.

While its story is incredibly fun and well written we all know why we still buy this game, and that's for Zombies. Speaking purely on behalf of my fellow PC players (sorry console bros) the modded zombies in this game was downright incredible. Black Ops 3 recently took the crown, but if you are looking for a cheap alternative then WAW is the perfect Zombies experience.

I've never been much of a GTA guy. I do like the open worlds and I usually just screw around with them for fun, and GTAV is no exception. I liked the story but its, not one of my favorite games ever. I do appreciate Rockstar's brilliant writing because it is fantastic here. Most of my fun came from GTA Online, but if your looking for a fun game to just screwing around in or if you're looking for an action-packed story, then GTAV is your kinda game.

The oldest game in my Steam library and one of my first PC games ever, I get a really neat sense of nostalgia when I play G-Mod. It's fun and filled to the brim with possibilities, especially with your friends. One of my best memories was just screwing around in Sandbox and TTT, and I'm very thankful for the fun times this game has given me. It's an instant classic and a must-buy for any PC owner.

Bayonetta is a game full of campy cutscenes, sexual innuendo, and some of the most insane set pieces I have ever played in a video game, and I loved every minute of it. The game realizes how goofy of a concept it is and takes its ideas to their full limit, creating a game filled to the brim with style and grace that only Platinum games could pull off. The combat is incredibly fun as you rack up these outrageous combos that utterly destroy anything in your path. The story can be hit or miss in some parts, but the narrative really begins to pick itself back up thanks to Bayonetta's attitude and the people she interacts with. It's filled to the brim with interesting and fun supporting characters and even cooler enemies to decimate. Bayonette is a pure feminine power fantasy that truly makes you feel like a god, and it gave birth to a true gaming icon.

Similar in a lot of ways to its counterpart Persona 3 Dancing, P5D is another dancing spin-off from Atlus to capitalize on the series success while also giving hardcore persona fans some neat character interactions and remixed songs. The gameplay is exactly the same as the first two just with a Persona 5 coat of paint. P5D and P3D are both fun entries, and if you like Persona and its music, then i recommend buying the bundle on sale.

Spider-Man PS4 is a brilliant super hero game. It's depiction of the wall-crawler is the best iteration to date as this game contains everything that makes the character great.

The games story is a tale of growth, heroism, and idollization. It tells a Spider-Man story filled with emotion and heart. It just feels great to play and enjoy, as the game kept me smiling all the way through. Peter Parker is a character who is supposed to be just like us. He has to pay rent, go to class, go to work, all while dealing with his responsibilities as a caretaker, boyfriend, and hero. These elements have been lost in recent iterations, but this game nail them allowing Peter Parker to shine as the true hero he is. Peter goes through a large sum of loss in this game, but he learns to grow from it and become a better person and superhero. It's Spider-Man in his truest form, and I'm so happy to have seen him finally portrayed the same way Stan Lee did when he was first created.

The game play is fluid and creative. While similar to the Arkham Series in its combat there are so many added details and skills that make Spider-Man unique. The webswinging has been finally perfected, makingjt the best webswinging mechanics in a Spider-Man game yet.

Everything about this game is perfect. It's the perfect Spider-Man story, and a true masterpiece of the superhero game genre. Spider-Man has never been better, and I'm excited to see what comes next in Peter Parkers story.

Fallout 3 holds a special place in my heart as it was the first Fallout game I played when I was younger, and I love every minute of it. However, as I have grown older and replayed it I started to notice a lot of its flaws that have reared their ugly heads to come and slap me in the face.

The dialogue and gameplay in the game are incredibly outdated even for 2008, and sometimes Fallout 3 seems too big for what it goes for as almost 75% of the map is filled with nothing of interest. The lack of roleplay value also brings this game down as your character is almost set as a "goody-two-shoes" and being a bad person holds little-to-no consequence in the main story which can ruin immersion.

Even with these complaints, Fallout 3 is still a revolutionary game that helped bring Fallout back into the spotlight. The Capital Wasteland is still a blast to explore, and the events that take place throughout are all unique, making the place feel as alive as ever. The characters are all memorable and many of the plot elements in this have become new-found staples of the franchise. While the game's main story lacks in some areas Fallout 3's side quests are all filled with that classic fallout charm as each one can be dealt with in a multitude of ways that the player is free to explore based on their character's karma.

Is Fallout 3 perfect? No not by a long shot, but it isn't anywhere near a bad game at all. Fallout 3 was Bethesda's first try at the series and for what it's worth I think they got it almost spot on to the original games. Fallout 3 is a flawed classic that shouldn't be missed and I recommend it to anyone looking to try Fallout for the first time, or if they are an RPG fan in general.

A surprisingly good fighting game filled with the Persona charm fans has come to know and love. The story is very anime-esque filled with action and drama that really help make this game feel "official" to the franchise. Seeing SEES and the Investigation Team interact held some very interesting and emotional moments that really made this game special. As the official send-off to both of these casts canonically, I say it did a brilliant job, and it was very hard to say goodbye to these characters I've spent so many hours with over the course of a year.

Persona 3 Dancing continues the series spin-off dancing trend that gives fans a much-needed reunion with the P3 cast. The songs are great, the costumes and dances are silly, and while it doesn't exactly have a story the character interactions you unlock through gameplay all hold a lot of fun and memorable moments that really make you miss Persona 3. It's a game full of fan service, and as a Persona fan I don't have much to complain about.

Persona 4 Dancing is a strange entry in the franchise that serves as the official sequel to P4G. The character's charm and personalities remain as great as they were in the original with the only difference being that they destroy their enemies with the power of dance. The story is surprisingly good and it was just a fun ride to be a part of. The music is also amazing but you knew that already even if you haven't played it. Persona is known for its brilliant tracks and this one does not disappoint, especially with its remixed classics.

It's a wacky concept, but if you are as big of a Persona fan as I am then you will have a lot of fun with this.

Persona 2: Innocent Sin improved upon almost everything the original Persona created. Its story, characters, and gameplay have all been dramatically enhanced to create a stellar RPG.

Persona 2's legacy is cemented with its characters that shine all the way throughout. Each one carried their own charm and relatability that truly allows them to shine in comparison to other Persona casts. Their story revolves around the feeling of guilt and remorse, and how they face their mistakes head-on making them stronger as people and as friends. The story revolves around them, and MC Tatsuya (who is fully voiced and not a self-insert) helps make these lessons shine as he undergoes the same journey as his friends.

Its gameplay is overhauled from P1 with new fusion spells and items that make battles less tedious, however since I played the PSP version this was barely an issue due to how easy the game is.

Persona 2s soundtrack is masterfully crafted with powerful emotional tracks that help elevate the game's more mature tone to a new level that some modern Persona games lack but it's also not afraid to portray some goofy tracks as well due to the personalities of the group.

It's widely praised in the Persona community, and after finally getting to play it I can finally see why. It's a symbol of a time of growth for the franchise and I feel that without Persona 2, the series would not be in the state it is today. I urge any avid Persona fan to give this a try even with the out-dated gameplay as these characters and their story should not be overlooked.