Honestly, it's kinda hard to review this game. Instead of being just a straightforward review of a game, this is more of a collection/remaster, and I must be honest it's a damn good one.

Mass Effect is a franchise that completely defined the seventh generation of consoles and gaming as a whole. The series was created with the same love and passion that many of our modern-day Pop-Culture classics possessed when they first released. It created a new world to explore set in a future that could soon be our own, and created one of the best Sci-Fi pieces ever conceived. Mass Effect is more than just a game series, it's a worldwide phenomenon.

Recently, the series and its creator Bioware have seen some rough places recently with their newest games, and many have lost their faith entirely with them as a whole. This collection was Bioware rediscovering what made them special, and they put a lot of love and care into revamping these modern classics. I just hope in the future, Bioware does the same for Mass Effects' newest sequel and utulizes the elements that made the franchise great in the first place.

If your thinking about buying ME: Legendary Editon and haven't played the series yet, this is the perfect chance to do so. If you were a long-time fan like I was, it's the perfect way to re-experience some old memories with some old friends, especially with the newly revamped Mass Effect 1.

I love Mass Effect, and replaying the trilogy once again has reminded me of why I do. It's the perfect Sci-Fi epic, and whether good or bad, I'm excited to see what Bioware brings to the table for the continuation of Commander Shepherd's story.

This mod is awful. Don't play it or support it.

Unironically a really fun and calming game that has given me the most justified laughing fits in a while. As a dude from West Virginia who has grown closer to the city than the countryside, this game has been my beacon to a life that I could have lived as a Ford F1-50 owner. Truly an immersive experience.

This game is a complete mess. and just downright awful. With its wide array of immersion-breaking glitches to the terrible UI, Mass Effect Andromeda is probably the worst game I have ever played for a multitude of reasons, but if I had to choose just one, id say it's because it's so damn boring.

Mass Effect Andromeda feels like a empty shell compared to its counterparts. The characters lack any sense of charm besides a select few, and the main protagonist is even more of an empty husk than Shepherd ever was. Ryder lacks any sense of heroism, relatability, and is just unfun to play as. The story itself also doesn't try to make you care. It's messy and just dumb compared to how grounded ME's main story was.

Everything just feels tedious to play. The sidequests are boring fetch quests and the combat feels so light that it gives the player a strange sense of weakness. Is the jetpack fun? Kinda when it works, but that isn't enough when the rest of the gameplay feels awful.

The amount of glitches I have endured has been absurd for a game that was promised to have been patched 5 years ago. I've been stuck on doors, lost save files, and have had facial and audio glitches since the first time I booted up the game. I even tried modding it to fix these issues, but no amount of mods can do anything to fix this broken game.

Mass Effect Andromeda is disappointing in the sense that Bioware has officially lost its creative edge to corporatism. It's empty and lacks any form of creativity in any of its major fields. It's a disgrace to one of gamings greatest stories, and it makes me worried about how they will handle the upcoming Mass Effect 4. What happened Bioware, you used to be one of the best.

Probably one of the most controversial and divisive games of last year, The Last of Us Part 2 was a big disappointment to me in more ways than one. I don't particularly think it's a bad game, it's just lackluster and stumbles on itself as the story progresses. The gameplay on the hardest difficulty is a lot of fun and every encounter was incredibly stressful but rewarding when I was finally able to get past it. Each encounter can be beaten in a variety of ways, and you can tell that Naughty Dog really wanted to make combat amazing. Ellie's story was a lot of fun, and while some moments were bleh, it truly lived up to the original game with its downtime and character-driven dialogue. However, by the time Abby's story comes around everything feels like it halts to stop as each encounter begins to feel draining and incomplete as the game begins to restrict you more. While the performances are great the game never gives you a good reason to like Abby's crew, creating unique characters from the outside but on the inside, they are very dense and outright dumb at times. It's sad to see where this sequel went, and while I disagree with all the blatant hate, it's hard for me truly like this game because of its flaws.

A surprisingly good fighting game filled with the Persona charm fans has come to know and love. The story is very anime-esque filled with action and drama that really help make this game feel "official" to the franchise. Seeing SEES and the Investigation Team interact held some very interesting and emotional moments that really made this game special. As the official send-off to both of these casts canonically, I say it did a brilliant job, and it was very hard to say goodbye to these characters I've spent so many hours with over the course of a year.

Borderlands 2 is a fantastic video game that has yet to be beaten in its genre. The world of Pandora introduced in BL1 has been expanded to extreme heights, and the characters living within the world have also been given an overhaul. The writing and story in this game are impeccable, allowing for a truly emotional experience in a game filled with fart jokes and surreal stupidity creating a perfect mix of humor and drama.

The guns found across the world are all creative, and the builds available for the player to create are all masterfully crafted to allow anyone to pick up a character and create a legend. While the game-play isn't as refined as it once was, the character builds and an infinite amount of replayability keeps you coming back and wanting more.

Playing this game with friends is an amazing experience on its own. Playing this game co-op has made me and my friends permanent fans of the franchise and has given us some of our favorite gaming memories.

Borderlands 2 is truly a gaming classic and cements itself as the reigning King of the Looter Shooter genre.

Quite possibly one of the greatest games ever made, The Witcher 3 cements itself as the king of the RPG genre. Its characters, story, world, and gameplay are all masterfully crafted to perfection, immersing the players in a long adventure of grief, remorse, family, and redemption. This game has created memories that will stick with me for the rest of my life, and I'm amazingly thankful for CD Projekt Red for making this masterclass of an experience.

The best game in the Mass Effect Trilogy and one of the best Action-RPGs of all time. With its fantastic and memorable story and loveable supporting cast Mass Effect 2 tread bold new, ground that helped make the franchise one of gaming greats. The final mission is one of my favorite gaming moments ever, and I truly felt satisfied after I completed it. Your choices truly do matter here, and the galaxy itself changes based upon Shepherd's actions.

Persona 2: Innocent Sin improved upon almost everything the original Persona created. Its story, characters, and gameplay have all been dramatically enhanced to create a stellar RPG.

Persona 2's legacy is cemented with its characters that shine all the way throughout. Each one carried their own charm and relatability that truly allows them to shine in comparison to other Persona casts. Their story revolves around the feeling of guilt and remorse, and how they face their mistakes head-on making them stronger as people and as friends. The story revolves around them, and MC Tatsuya (who is fully voiced and not a self-insert) helps make these lessons shine as he undergoes the same journey as his friends.

Its gameplay is overhauled from P1 with new fusion spells and items that make battles less tedious, however since I played the PSP version this was barely an issue due to how easy the game is.

Persona 2s soundtrack is masterfully crafted with powerful emotional tracks that help elevate the game's more mature tone to a new level that some modern Persona games lack but it's also not afraid to portray some goofy tracks as well due to the personalities of the group.

It's widely praised in the Persona community, and after finally getting to play it I can finally see why. It's a symbol of a time of growth for the franchise and I feel that without Persona 2, the series would not be in the state it is today. I urge any avid Persona fan to give this a try even with the out-dated gameplay as these characters and their story should not be overlooked.

A fantastic team-based shooter and one of my favorite games of all time. Valve created a charming masterpiece with addictive gunplay and loveable characters that still holds up amazingly well today thanks to its thriving and creative fanbase supporting it. Team Fortress 2 will never die, and honestly, I hope it lives forever.

God of War is one of those rare gems that releases and just blows you away. It's a masterful cinematic experience that many games fail to achieve. Kratos and Atreus absolutely steal the show with their realistic and amazingly written character interactions that showcase not only their growth but their journey itself. The duo's journey surpasses some of the video game's greatest stories, including and building upon the foundation that the first Last of Us built creating the best story-driven narrative in gaming yet.

The Norse world that surrounds our main characters is whimsical and wacky with tons of unique creatures and characters that will either assist you or halt you as you progress. The world and its many realms are full of secrets just waiting to be found, allowing for hours upon hours of content for the player to get lost in.

The combat is fun and ever-evolving as both Kratos and Atreus gain new abilities found throughout the main quest and through secrets found across the world. It allows the player to customize and build Kratos to their liking ranging from an unstoppable tank to a more focused and magic-using strategist.

Santa Monica Studio has made a brilliant work of art that will be known for ages, and one people should not miss. I'm incredibly excited for what comes next in the sequel as the saga of Kratos is far from over.

Persona 5 Strikers certainly is a worthy successor to Atlus' 2017/2020 masterpiece.

The Phantom Thieves' sequel story was a joy the whole way through, and I'm incredibly happy to have been apart of it. The writing is on par with the original and Royal, and while this game is more of a "fan service-y" type deal, Atlus made sure to not forget about what made Persona 5 great in the first place, creating a fun road trip adventure that didn't need to be told, but I'm glad it was. Seeing the thieves older and wiser while also keeping their charm and traits from the original made me smile, and allowed me to truly see just how much these characters have grown.

The Musou style combat mixed in with Persona turn-based elements came together perfectly, and while the camera can be a bit weird sometimes, the combat always remained fluid and fun and never got boring even until the very end of the game. Persona fusion also makes a return, and while I have my quarrels with the new PP system, Persona Fusion is still crazy fun to do, allowing the player to create some incredibly OP Persona's that just shred enemies to a fine shadowy paste.

I became a huge Persona fan after playing Royal back in August. I never really was a JRPG guy, but for some reason, Persona 5 always piqued my interest, and when I finally played it I fell in love. The Phantom Thieves are probably my favorite cast of video game characters period, and after 6 months of playing through the entire franchise, I was incredibly happy to be with the thieves on another adventure. I just hope this isn't their last.

My personal favorite Pokemon game and the best in the series. While grindy and repetitive at some points FireRed is the definitive Pokemon game filled with charm, creativity, and a grand sense of wonder. It's the purest example of why this series exploded in popularity. The first generation of Pokemon stands the test of time, and so does this game as well.

As a long-time fan of the Borderlands franchise, I think this game both falls incredibly short of its predecessor while also surpassing it entirely. The gunplay is absolutely addicting. You can tell the developers have put their heart and soul into every single weapon in the game making each one more unique than the next while also revamping some old classics. It flows great feels great to use almost any gun, and the vault hunter builds you can make are incredibly creative and fantastic to test and play, allotting for many, many playthroughs just to test every build and legendary weapon. The car combat is also a lot of fun, and the amount of customization given to the player is jarring to say the least. This game has so many positives but is held back by its two major flaws: Weak Writing and a Weak Story.

The story in Borderlands three seems lazily written for a franchise that's had a very fun and exciting story for the past three games (Bl1, Bl2, Tales) and the villains are nothing compared to one of gaming's greatest villains, Handsome Jack. The jokes are way out of touch with most of modern society, and just seem immature compared to Borderlands 2 whose jokes still hold up relatively well today. The characters are also incredibly done down with only a select few being actually entertaining and interesting, and sadly we hardly get to see them. It seems as if Borderlands lost its charm, or at the very least lost its meaning.

Even with that complaint, this game cannot be passed up. The gameplay itself makes up for the story because you're able to skip most of the cringe cutscenes anyway. If you have friends this game is an absolute blast and probably the best way to play this game. I recommend waiting for a sale because 50 dollars for the full game+DLC is a very good price for a game that's still being supported. It's a great game with a terrible story, but it's still a game that cannot be looked over because of how much fun it is.