198 Reviews liked by Snappington1

game for people that still listen to Eminem

They want to draft military... POOOO!!! Not playing a game like this EVER!!



Only the elite know the uganda sand meta.

singlehandedly invalidates any reason a woman might have to exist

yes I play egypt so im light years away from you warmongering europeans

no I don't answer any jihad calls, desert vibe only

Fun Fact: The current cuckold meme was actually popularized out of hatred for Borderlands 2's writing staff. In some nonsensical eceleb drama saga, one of the writers Anthony Burch was found out to be an open relationship, and because it was 4chan circa 2013, Burch caught a lot of hate for 1) being in an open relationship and 2) not getting as much out of the open relationship (i.e. sex) as his partner. Which then lead to several users of 4chan's videogame board to dig deep and find out various awful things that's happened to him in his life. Eventually this led to the phrase "At least you aren't Anthony Burch", which then got reduced to shaming him for being a (un?)willing cuckold, which then got reduced to calling anyone who "tricks" themselves into being passive a cuck. (Like with most memes, the actual definition of a cuckold is not really the point here)

your character = dishonest
my character = honest

mid + you paid for frame data 😹

This review was written before the game released

The core gameplay is fine. Its not my thing, but its fine.

But this id one of the most predatory games ever made. The monetization practices, phone number and deletage of the first game are so un consumer it does not deserve your time

billions of dollars have been spent on sparkly neon cityscapes for AAA games which haven't been 10% as effective as this little slice of perfect Atmosphere