MEGA Nerd Shit

If you play shit like this u are a MEGA NERD

I have decided to change the old ordering from a subjective iceberg chart to a more objective popularity order using the default sorting option for lists.

please argue with me in the comments about how your favorite game is nerdy enough/not nerdy enough to go in my epic list

To be added to Backloggd:

Capitalism II
Capitalism II
Econ major detected

also this game is unintentionally hilarious. the beginning scenario wants you to invest in technology and create better goods and services for people. Instead i just sold all my tech shit and built some apartment complexes and the money fucking poured in.

this is why rich people who have never worked a day in their lives be like "yeah just become a landlord" when asked how to make money
Corruption of Champions
Corruption of Champions
and all other Fenoxo games

Facts about Fenoxo:
- He is the Todd Howard of porn
- He makes the thinking man's furry porn
- LilR needs to play his games
Children of a Dead Earth
Children of a Dead Earth
hardest sci fi game of all time
real ones know ..
Boxer's Road 2: The Real
Boxer's Road 2: The Real
a game where you have to manage your fighter's diet to make weight and when you start you are too poor to afford the good food so you just feed him McDonald's
Chapter Master
Chapter Master
the only way this game is playable is if you have spent a minimum of 500 USD on plastic figures
Gary Grigsby's War in the East
Gary Grigsby's War in the East
there needs to be a new category of nerd for people who play this
Aurora 4x
Aurora 4x
okay u know how a lot of 4x games have ship building mechanics where u kind of just insert different guns into different slots so imagine a game where u have to design every single part of a ship down to gas mileage on the engine
SCP: Terminal
SCP: Terminal
this is like the only feasible way to make a game with as many SCP's as possible basically its like you can experiment with different SCP's through a computer terminal
Hearts of Iron III
Hearts of Iron III
this is to hearts of iron 4 players what hearts of iron 4 is to normal gaymers
Liberal Crime Squad
Liberal Crime Squad
i beat this game as Hank Hill
UnReal World
UnReal World
see my note for cataclysm dark days ahead except this is like iron age historical setting
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
they were like yeah erm what if we made dwarf fortress level complexity but with post apocalyptic survival but then made it even more complicated and detailed
i don't really think this one is that mega nerd, it's kind of half mega nerd and half mega weeb
Nimby Rails
Nimby Rails
its literally just Google Maps but you put trains on it
soylent Elite: Dangerous fans vs test filled Noctis enjoyers
Eve Online
Eve Online
Microsoft Excel partnered with EVE Online to create a spreadsheet extension
Daggerfall Unity
Daggerfall Unity
the more esoteric and SUPREMELY BETTER Unity port please for the love of god play the Unity version you living :mack: emoji there is no reason to play the original Buggerfall
Space Station 13
Space Station 13
among us for 4channers
Victoria II
Victoria II
slightly lower chance of hating women and minorities than Hearts of Iron 4

Revision: After the release of Victoria III and looking into the modding scene for this game i have found out that this game has possibly the most racist fanbase of the Paradox games. for the mega racist nerds.
Dwarf Fortress
Dwarf Fortress
hilarious how this is (as of writing) in the top 10 most wishlisted games on steam simply because you have to be a MEGA NERD to play without the incoming steam UI upgrade

post-steam release update: Okay now it's a lot more accessible but still pretty challenging for the average consoomer
Yandere Simulator
Yandere Simulator
cum chalice


2 years ago

This comment was deleted

2 years ago

hey that deleted comment was me i made a typo anyways rip to u but im built different

2 years ago

played 10 minutes of dwarf fortress... awful experience

2 years ago


2 years ago

what is this

9 months ago

Elona, Advanced Tactics Gold and Conquest of Elysium/Dominions are rather autistic too.

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