Top 10 Albums

Not really in order. I welcome music talk.

{A Lot Has Changed - Something That Needs Nothing}
I dont remember how I found this album, but I'm glad it somehow got to me. I don't think this band really exists anymore, so this is just some lost project out in the endless ocean, but I found it and it's special to me. Really good Emo, maybe Midwest Emo.
Drool For You
[Lingua Ignota - CALIGULA]
(I dont think im skilled enough at writing to talk about some subjects, little out of my depth, hope im not too insensitive about it)
Definitely a Content Warning for all her work; abuse, assault, etc.
I found Lingua with All Bitches Die, a ruthlessly cold/sad/angry album. Hauntingly beautiful and scary. It is Lingua dealing with trauma in pure raw emotion. I was in love.
So I was excited for CALIGULA, an actual full album release, and it was an INSTANT 10. It is a lot more 'epic' and grandiose than her previous release. Beautiful violins and piano, but still dark/oppressive/angry.
FRAGRANT IS MY MANY FLOWER'D CROWN shows her pure anger towards her abusers and the violence she wishes to inflict upon them. She also does this amazing thing with her voice, I can only liken it to throat singing.

I also have her next album [SINNER GET READY] as an instant 10, but it injects some folk, bluegrass, Appalachian vibes while keeping the oppressive darkness. Many Hands sounds like if a song from O Brother Where Art Thou got corrupted into something evil.
I WHO BEND THE TALL GRASSES is another wishing for violence song with these haunting church organs.
[Turnabout - Cutter Lane]
Turnabout is in the same group as Sematary, so pretty similar sound going on here. Drill, Witch House, Cloud Rap, etc. This album is definitely less atmospheric than Hundred Acre Wrist, but way more dumb. Turnabout also just sings way more than Sematary, and I like that (more?).
Example Songs:
Husqvarna is a great fucking starter to get me up jumping.
Brethren great little crew cut.
[Fall Out Boy - Folie à deux]
The recent of output of FOB saddens me because this album is the perfect fucking send off for the band, and quite possibly the perfect capper to this era of pop punk. I think Patrick Stump has the best vocals of any of the main pop punk bands, Brandon Urie (Panic! At The Disco) might be second to him. You can tell right from the intro Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes that he is operating at full power. Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bet also shows his vocal chops with these beautiful piano refrains. I love every single song, but What a Catch, Donnie is really the fucking crown of them all, the glue that attaches them all and cements this album as the perfect end of times. This song is feels like a autobiography of the band and its members. Especially with the second fucking half man.
Reprises are great fucking way to end albums. Origami Angel do it on the closer to Somewhere City (another great pop punk album thats full of happiness and self worth), The Air Up Here; layering choruses from other songs in the album to put a cap on it. Fall Out Boy do that in this song, but with choruses from their whole discog, specifically their hit singles. Capping off this sort of biography with a beautiful run down memory lane, a speed through of their life. That's not the only thing though, they get other singers in their genre to sing them. Fucking Elvis Costello, Brendan Urie, Travie McCoy. I really wish they could have got other notable bands like MCR and Paramore in on it, that would have just made it 100% perfect, but its still a beautiful fucking send off.
[Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique]
I love Beastie Boys. Their group dynamic is something I haven't really found anything like. The way they constantly swap bars between each other is exhilarating. Most groups give each person their own verse, which obviously isn't bad, but the skill and synchronization between these 3 to do this is too good. I think The New Style is a good example of this.
Paul's Boutique is a crazy improvement from their first album though. They didn't really know music and were screwing around. It definitely sounds like some old school hip hop, sometimes with very simple rock songs. They sat their white asses down and learned about music and got some serious production on this album. Johnny Ryall is a good showcase of improvement.
High Plains Drifter just has so many bars stuck in my head.
"Check the rear view mirror, check the gold tooth display".
"I found a nice place to visit but a better place to rob".
"I feel like Steve McQueen, a former movie star".
"I said, "I'm charming, I'm dashing, I'm rental-car bashing".
Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun is such a bad ass fucking song. The guitar here is just fucking chugging and chugging, fueling my fire. The fucking split second of Mississippi Queen that sampled in this song. That small fucking guitar wail is probably my favourite sample ever. Perfectly placed and timed.
Lego Island's OST is so crazy. Hard ass surf rock from a band that I think only had 1 album I cant find. Fun Lego themed lyric songs. Most importantly to me, a bunch of proto-vaporwave songs. I love vaporwave and this is a must for anyone who wants to see similar shit all the way back in fucking 1997. This isn't really a structured album experience, but it does paint the soundscape to a beautiful utopia to me.

Example Songs:
The Information Center is the stand out vapowave song here. I will also transport to that beautiful view over the island. That ethereal voice sample at 3 seconds is amazing.


Baroque in Brick. OH boy do I fucking love some Classical ass music in Midi form.

[Daughters - You Won't Get What You Want]
Sometimes I feel a little lame for sharing a couple 10's with Fantano, but this album is just too good. Dark, Oppressive, anxiety noise. Every song is a trip further down the spiral until you lay there barren of emotion and ready to become nothing (for a little bit at least). I don't particularly listen to this album a lot (or most on this list tbh), I need to be in a dark mood, usually after retail work kicks my balls! The Reason They Hate Me is the perfect anthem for this situation.
Other songs:
Less Sex
Long Road, No Turns
[Macintosh Plus - Floral Shoppe]
Oh you think I was just gonna talk about my love of Vaporwave and 'Nostalgia' and not include THE vaporwave album? I'm probably not gonna go on a tangent on vaporwave like I did with mashup, but it did have me a way harder grip. I was listening to so much of it back in highschool. Death's Dynamic Shroud(Please listen to this album too, this shit also just transports me to another realm), Christtt, Concept albums about love and loss, and even vaportrap remixs of twin peaks songs. I was in there and I was living it. I can attest (from what I've listen to), that Floral Shoppe does indeed stand above the rest. It is the defacto vaporwave example. I mean リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュ blew up for a pretty damn good reason! Just an unreal feeling being washed over my existence with this song.
地理 just hits different to me now, cause I can recognize the sample of Water from Turok.
ECCOと悪寒ダイビング feels like if snowflakes were landing and melting directly on my brain. A PERFECT winter song.
[Daft Punk - Discovery]
I can't really say anything about Discovery, i mean its fucking Discovery.
Something About Us
Digital Love
Too Long
[Cacola - Ruby Rose]
(Trying a little anecdote thing here about my experience with mashups).
I've always loved mash-ups. Grinding two songs together to make a funny little combo is great. I remember back when I used soundcloud a lot during the "soundclown" era, so many funny stuff, but also just great mash-ups (Shake it Flat being a stand out in my mind).
Eventually I found Lapfox Trax's bandcamp, and that shit blew my mind; so much music and for free?? That shit would basically control me from middle school to end of high school. Renard had one personality who made some mashup albums, and that kind of rewired me. These songs are not just mashing up 2 songs, but multiple songs to make these insane tapestries of audio. Example song.
I'm just gonna get to Ruby Rose. It is hands down the best mashup piece of any media I have experienced. Mashup as a genre heavily relies on what you can also bring to the listening. If you don't recognize the songs at play here, you'll probably just go "oh thats good." If you do, you might appreciate how the artist made their own puzzle pieces and connected them. For me, who loves things that ruminate on nostalgia (already expressed my love of vaporwave, and the game choice here), this album speaks to me on a molecular level. Like I said, you have to be in the know with a lot of these songs/samples I think, and this will probably hit for a lot of 20-30 year olds who enjoyed any popular music you've heard throughout life. Graphic Ambience is basically a perfect song for this stint im on. Mashing up the lyrics of Photograph(Nickelback) with some Landslide(fleetwood mac) to ruminate on growing older, while also fucking using Aquatic Ambience(probably one of THE nostalgia inducing Video Game songs), but its also SEEMLESSLY switches back and forth with a Blank Banshee song; that is some serious fucking skill at hand here I think.
Or how about my other favourite Avril, a fucking beautiful blend of the piano from Kanye's Blame Game and the lyrics to Avril Lavigne's Complicated. The way her vocals are used here are SO different from the actual song, there is this beautiful accent/slurring that I just don't hear in her version.
Or if you want to hear a 12 minute mega mashup, White Rose certainly blew my mind. So many songs at play here, I can only imagine all the layers of audio here and it sounds good, insane.
If you love mashup shit, I implore you to experience this artwork.
[Sematary - Hundred Acre Wrist]
I got a little heady with those last two, but I also just like some dumb fun, and oh boy, does is Sematary dumb fun. If you fuck with Trap, Drill, Cloud Rap, Horrorcore, this fucks. I will say, this is DEFINITELY white boy music, so if that turns you off, might not like this, but being a white boy myself, Im loving it.
Example Songs:
Louisville Slugger
Honourable mentions.
Might say some stuff about these ,might not
[Carly Rae Jepsen - E·MO·TION]
THE QUEEN OF POP BABY, NO ONE DOES IT BETTER THAN CARLY 🫡. Actually the best pop album ever, and it actually pains me Carly does NOT get on top 40 radio and I got to listen to SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE shit.
Also peak gender euphoria music for me, magical anime girl transformation to my spirit when its playing.
I Really Like You
Boy Problems
LA Hallucinations
I was on that Brockhampton train right when they dropped the Heat single. I rode all the way to the sad dissolve. The end of that historical trilogy, the experimental iridescence in the face of change and betrayal. Ginger always stuck out as my favourite of their albums. A mature, introspective project dealing with themselves.
SUGAR(I love you matt..)
[Jeff Rosenstock - WORRY.]
I got into Jeff Rosenstock with this album, so I didn't really know his legacy in the music scene until recently. Now that I know though, its kind of insane how he actually knows how to make good Pop Punk after like 20 years. Usually pop punk artists reach an age where they just lose that youthful angst and can't really transfer it into anything else, so they continue just make music that noticeably less 'soul' than before. Im talking Green Day, Fall Out Boy, P!atD, Blink-182. I could go into details about what I think about their downfalls separately, but its gonna go to 'they have lost touch'. Jeff, however, manages to keep this angst alive and on fire. Listen to this back in 2006 when he was in The Arrogant Sons of Bitches. 10 years later, in his 30's, he still has the Fucking Fire.
...While You're Alive is a beautiful song about aging love.
Perfect 'fuck these rich assholes' song.
To Be A Ghost..., great song about not losing hope in the face of the endless waves of shitheads on the internet.
Album also has this rollercoaster/slide quality like none I've experienced. The songs just flow so well into each other.


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