Log Status






Time Played

1h 42m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 12, 2024

First played

February 11, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


In Dinosaur Adventure 3-D, a T-Rex has somehow found itself on this island that has 3 "biomes" on it that consist of the Triassic, Jurassic, and cretaceous periods. You are are tasked with finding 9 hidden eggs around the screens of the island, and play minigames to get 3 hatching crystals for each egg. Each screen is beautifully pre-rendered, and most Dinosaurs are, in fact, 3D. The baby dinosaurs, and the main 2 are not so they can give them fun animations.

The minigames consist of:
1.) Mahjong, but with eggs instead. Everytime you get a match, you get a picture of whatever dinosaur you matched and a little informational quip.
2.) A Crash Bandicoot-esque run towards the camera sequence in which you need to dodge obstacles while the T-Rex chases a stampeding hoard of whatever the fuck they are.
3.) A "Maze" in which you cannot see, because it is covered by a jungle canopy. It's turn based, and you have a limited amount of rocks that have numbers randomly tied to them. You are tasked with reaching the opposite corner to get to the lost dinosaur. There are predators hiding in there that move after you, and make sounds if you are near. Not very fun tbh.
4.) A jigsaw type game, but with dinosaur bones. There are 6 different dinosaurs to make. I love this one cause I love the dinosaur bone visuals.
5.) A frogger type game where you need to jump across a tar pit (twice) to save a baby dinosaur. Objects in the tar can sink for a bit, then come back up, so timing is important. On later difficulties there will be giant bugs you can ride.
6.) The last is a Pipe game (my favourite), but its framed as building a path to a dinosaur. Once you finish it, you can go to a mode where you set what the path looks like (quick sand, volcanoe, lake, frozen lake, etc). Then your dinosaur goes across them playing animations to make you go "woah". There are 2 different visuals per pipe variation, and 2 different animations per visual, so like 24 different little animations to see.

This game can be a little tedious because you need 27 hatching crystals, plus finding the 9 eggs before you can beat it. Luckily the pipe game is also very fast to beat, and you can just keep playing the same game.

The game ends with you leading the 9 newly born dinosaurs to trick the T-Rex into going on top of the volcano, then it blows up and blasts him away. He then gets stuck as a bridge until he dies.

I love the presentation and the CG and shit. Everytime you click on a dinosaur it does a "look into a magic crystal" animation and then it plays a little CG movie telling you a little factoid. If you fuck with dinosaurs, this is dope.