Log Status






Time Played

5h 56m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

November 22, 2022

First played

November 20, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


House of Ashes is probably the best Dark Picture so far. Just a solid story with not filled with characters who are all slightly off putting or weirdly asshole-ish. I did fuck up one of the two major character plots (the love triangle), so that kind of spoiled the story a little for me since I effectively cut off all 3 of those characters from developing. The other plotline with Salim and Jason?, that shit rocks so hard. Salim is a real goated character, easily slams everyone. Jason rules hard too. Maybe I would have thought the same of everyone else if I could be assed to redo the story, but maybe in a year or something.

I do think this is probably the best one, but Little Hope did activate my brain more (before its ending). It was simply more fun to use my neurons to come up with theories about whats going on, but House of Ashes doesn't have a shit ass ending and is consistently good so...