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It took all my issues with BOTW and for the most part not only fixed them, but went beyond in my expectations. I still have a soft spot for the more linear formula we grew to know over the years, and with that come a few small things I still wish they'd change/bring back. However I don't wish to stick to minor personal gripes when objectively and in my personal opinion - this game is a masterpiece.
Dungeons took a massive step up in this game, and whilst still not quite hitting the level of some of the previous games, they were FAR better than BOTW's Devine Beasts. I also loved the unique boss fights they gave to each dungeon as boss fights have always been one of my favourite parts about this franchise, and this this was a return to form.
The OST took a ridiculous step upwards compared to botw as well, with there only being a handful of tracks in the previous game that I felt lived up the to franchise's big boots in terms of musical level. Many tracks by themselves got me emotional, even ignoring what accompanies them.
The final parts of the game were just amazing, from the leadup to the final encounter and the battle itself, all the way to the final catch, scene and credits. I was on the edge of my seat and loved every second.
Truly, this game made me so happy to call this franchise my favourite of all time, and I don't doubt I'll be spending many hours of my life catching every single one of those pesky Koroks just to keep experiencing the magic.

A ridiculously good game. It teaches some wonderful lessons through the fantastic story, all whilst having some of the best controls & gameplay I've ever experienced. 100% recommend!

A fantastic game! Whilst every route does tell a great story, I truly think that the BL and GD routes are the shining stars here. The gameplay is fun, the story pulls you in, the characters are great and it all adds up to a wonderful experience.

A beautiful story. It really helped me during some tough times back in 2015 and I'm so glad I played it.

An absolute gem. I adore this game so much and it really holds a special place in my heart. I'm also confident in saying it holds up extremely well today!

My Favourite game of all time! There's nothing I could type here that'd do it justice.

One of my all time favourite games. A wonderful choice for anyone who owns a switch and hasn't already tried it!