178 Reviews liked by SoapMonkey





In my head Ted is voiced by David Spade.

I just can't believe they are making games to a bangful OST these days.

Was this necessary?

Bonus half a point because Sackboy is awesome.

Now this is the 90s I love (I was born in 2002)

The Big Con (2021) is a game with some charming 90's aesthetics and clearly had a lot of passion put into it. so,, what even is it?

(story premise spoilers ahead)

essentially, you're a teenager named Alison (goes by Ali) who plays the trombone and lives alone with her mom in a "mom-and-daught" video store. every year, Ali goes to band camp to work towards her mom's dream of her getting into a prestigious arts university. however, the eve before she leaves, she learns her mom is being extorted by a gangster of sorts for approximately $97k, and if they can't pay it off, they're completely fucked and will be bought out by a chain video store. taking it upon herself to gather the funds, she takes to the streets and quickly meets a con artist named Ted, who claims he has the solution to her money problems and becomes a mentor of sorts teaching her how to pickpocket and get extra change out of cashiers and such. they set off on a cross country journey together to pull off a Big Con (holy shit !!!! title reference !!!) and go from locale to locale stealing and grifting their way into riches.

this is where we get into the gameplay. generally speaking, you'll enter a new area and be given a blanket goal, usually in the form of some money threshold to reach. achieve it, and you can talk to your partner and move on. essentially every npc can be pickpocketed, performed by holding down a button until the oscillating arrow lands in the shrinking zone on a pop-up UI. it's a simple, timing-based minigame that scales proportionally to the amount of money on the mark, but it gets old quickly thanks to how frequently you'll need to steal shit. to the game's credit, there is an accessibility option to completely disable the pickpocket minigame, though i never used it. you walk around, talk, and eavesdrop on people to gain information that is automatically added to your journal kept in your fanny pack. it tracks your goals, as well as exploitable characteristics of people that you can use to your advantage in conversation to con people out of their money. overheard someone's anniversary date and learn that their bags are sitting unattended in the lobby of the hotel? hop on over there and use the date as the combo for the luggage! shit like that, basically.

a lot of this sounds like it could be pretty cool and as though it may have a lot of depth, but in practice, i don't really think it does. after a while, the gameplay feels pretty one-note and almost pointless. it got to the point that it felt like i was wasting my time every time i actually engaged in the core mechanics, which isn't a good sign to me. although i felt it eventually devolved into chore territory, it's still a goofy little time. conversations take place on a very 90's background and Ali frequently makes jokes about literally everything that happens. is it hit or miss? yeah! is the game extremely camp? yeah! there's a fucking option in the settings to enable a laugh track. Ali frequently hallucinates a talking bedsheet-ghost (Rad Ghost) who constantly reminds her not to do drugs and functions as a hint system of sorts. that's a silly little concept! the story is predictable, yet it's strangely comforting with how dedicated it is to pulling off the vibe of a 90's teen adventure flick. it hits so many common narrative beats of the genre. there's a little bit of minorly gay content (wahoo!), and it's extremely casual and normalized, which makes me happy.

overall, this game is pretty silly and lighthearted. it's nothing too special, but if you're looking for a silly little 90's con movie-like experience without a deep plot, this could be a good fit. maybe i woulda enjoyed it a little more if i was actually alive and conscious during the 90's, but that's just like my fucking bad i guess. oops!

I love everything about this game. The art, the music, the story, and oh my goodness the 90’s everything. Though I was not actually born in the 90’s, I was always surrounded by 90’s stuff for whatever reason. My primary source of entertainment as a child was an old CRT (the only TV my parents had) alongside my collection of Hand-me-down VHS tapes from family. The one crappy Canadian TV channel I had access to had no good original shows, and so it would mostly rerun 90’s nickelodeon cartoons. For a period of my life I even lived in a neighbourhood in Toronto that had been largely built up in the 90’s, and remained visually pretty much unchanged since then. All this is to say that I felt an immense attachment to everything in this game and exploring its world was genuinely amazing. Even the story was pretty charming for only being around 3-4 hours long. If I were to have ONE complaint it's that one of the main characters that accompanies you just DISAPPEARS before the end of the game and NEVER GETS A CONCLUSION TO HIS STORY. Otherwise though this game is seriously amazing and incredible and perfect and amazing and incredible and perfect and also amazing and incredible and oh, also perfect and fabulous and the best video game ever.

this is a campy gem! fun unserious art, weird characters, etc. i always love a good roaming type of game where you investigate to solve puzzles. a nice break from all the aaa titles.

Game was a vibe. The tunes, the art, the characters all of it. Was a solid time.

... man i wish i liked this more.

i'm generally a fan of metroidvanias, and i don't mind difficult games, so this seemed like a great choice to pick up. plus, i got a recommendation from someone to play (to my knowledge they only use rateyourmusic, they're @miokinon on there), so my expectations were pretty high going into this one. unfortunately, there are some pretty major problems that stop me from enjoying this more.

the controls feel rather loose, and for a game involving a good amount of platforming, that's not a great quality to have. the lack of checkpoints for major sections was also not great; i'm cool with endurance challenges, but those endurance challenges should be roughly equal in difficulty. i just found that many of the low-checkpoint sections were just frustrating, as it meant playing through another 5 minutes of easy gameplay that i just did.

it feels pretty dated in some ways as well - the checkpoint system fully resetting any progress, the lack of an in-game settings menu, the poor menu UI, it's all there.

i generally enjoyed the story, i think much of it is told in an interesting manner and characters were pretty endearing. there were points, especially in the latter half, where the plot was kind of just... dumped onto the player in an odd way. just a small gripe though, the story as a whole is pretty solid. i love balrog, he's just a homie

the bosses are pretty solid throughout, i enjoyed almost all of them thoroughly. the final fight is especially quite good and is a great climax.

it's not a game i consider great, but i'd recommend it if it seems like your thing. i think it's just not exactly for me, and i can totally see why people adore it, so give it a shot if it seems fun to you. i just didn't love it personally. :)

pretty fun game but can be pretty difficult at times if you dont know what the hell youre doing

Very fun but the latter half of the game is confusing and has a lack of save points.