143 reviews liked by SoapMonkey

A really good game that could have been a really great game. Nailed the aesthetics, tone and soundtrack. The music in particular really stood out to me and was a real highlight of the game. A few tracks such as the one that plays in the main castle made me stand still and just listen for a bit. This wasn't a one off encounter, but constantly throughout the game I just had to pause and think to myself, "nice". Really great stuff.

Where the game fell flat for me is in plot progression and characters. I think what was most frustrating to me was clearly he was able to write some fun dialogue and banter, as the two leads were enjoyable to read and watch interact. The rest of the cast just didn't work for me due to lack of proper development. It felt like a waste of what could have potentially been one of the best games I played this year. I say all this but I did give this game an 8/10. This game was a joy to play and I easily recommend it. Its cheap, its short, its a novel gaming experience. Go play it.

rly cool stuff but not something i have the patience for atm! procedural roguelite generation is a good fit for overwhelming incomprehensible cosmic horror. saving this for when its The Vibe and i can properly fall into it

I miss grasshopper etc etc suda is a god etc its' style over substance. I love quirky weird bosses even if this game fell a bit short.

At the end of the day, its' all about who you finished this game with.

I actually enjoyed this more than I thought. I assumed because its’ demo was slightly janky that it would be rough. What I found was a game that wasn’t entirely sure what it wanted to be, but the parrying/counter high defense system wasn’t bad. When all the counters worked for me, it was awesome to slide in and out of enemies whole flipping and slashing. The world was fun to explore and the fishing mini game is one of the best I’ve played in a long time. The story isn’t anything special but it was worth focusing on. Eve also isn’t bad to look at; a lot of her outfits are well designed even if they are overly fan servicey (not complaining).

I personally really enjoyed it. Transformation scene getting its’ own anime song that plays everytime is great. The gameplay is a bit repetitive, the actual comboing is pretty cool tho and the ending is extreme sequel bait but I won’t be mad if I have to wait for it. Also collecting cats is cool.


buying a curse off of etsy and putting it on the man who decided to trap this game on nintendo switch. coulda been so peak.... but alas

Police brutality taken to a whole new dimension.

All around really fun game, can't wait to learn the techniques and combos more in depth.