This game has quite a charm to it! Its vibe, music and looks are very special, there isn't a second where funk and energy isn't present, however the way this game controls and some of its level design to me hasn't age the best, it can get claustrophobic at times, the way you jump and build up speed in this game can feel kind of awkward to me, but coming up with routes for level and making the best out of the time you have is a fun gameplay loop!

I like to look at this game as a good blueprint really, for everything that it inspired and what came after!

This game has convinced me to play both Jet Set Radio games, we'll see how it fares compared to its inspirations!

But really fun!

The boards are still a bit too simple for my liking, and the minigames aren't as creative as previous entries for me, but still a good return to form!

I beat it the first time, thought it was great!
Then I beat it again!
Then I beat it again!

Yea this is one of the best games I've ever played in my life, the love and passion oozing from it every second is unlike any game I've ever played, this game is a triumph for anybody who likes games, it's an absolute grand slam for the medium!

To see levels and concepts so in-depth and fun in a game from 1994 is absolutely insane, what an awesome game!

Really glad I waited until Reload released to play P3! I totally get while this is many peoples favorite Persona game, and why it stuck with so many people!
Memories Of You!

What kind of armor is Arthur even wearing? It breaks after one hit!

I TOTALLY understand why this was so beloved now! I had heard so many incredible things about it for so long, and after beating it I TOTALLY agree! Will definitely play the original sometime soon!

ArcSys is KILLING IT!!
Super fun with some of the best visuals they've ever produced!
Can't wait to play more!

Show, don't tell.

A simple writing technique, and Inside uses it unlike anything else.

To some, this may seem like nothing more then a boring walking simulator, and while they can feel however they want to feel, I felt like this was an experience truly special.
This was one of the smartest, and most interesting stories in any game I've ever played, all without a single line of dialogue.
Because of how vague its story is, it can be interpreted and received in endless ways.
This was my interpretation of what was laid out for me, and what I got from this experience:
The settings and images of Inside I believe are about control and conformity.
And about sometimes when we feel different, we run and hide, and we feel like an outlier.
Sometimes, we feel like some kind of monster.
Hence the name, this is how we can feel on the INSIDE.
The fact is even though these thoughts may prevail, we are all very different, but will always be accepted for who we are.
The truth is not the INSIDE.

The sheer amount of variety and different ways this game can be played is INSANE!
Its system, movement, insane amount of character combinations, and ways they can be used together is unlike anything else!
I totally get why this game is as highly praised as it is now!

I hate coil heads with EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING!!