Gorgeous pixel art, combat is very simple and story wise its ok so far

So far its good, puzzle and combat wise. Very reminiscent of re game on hud and puzzle

Im feel like im the batfreak himself, very cool level design and stealth puzzle tho, it makes me feel like batsy

This game is the shit, my 1st grade game, and also time when i lose quite alot of friend cuz of their skill issue

Simple turn based combat, the ost consist only three but very cool, rng is sometimes kinda dick but its all right, conquering all nation is fullfiling tho but theres no content after that:(

This is a masterpiece although random encounters kinda dick, the story tho:”

Artstyle is sick, story is very touching and sad T_T why the endingT_______T
But the soundtrack tho i love those, and the combat feel is very satisfying

Its just a masterpiece, i have many many good memories in this game with my friend although my friends arent friend anymore they play something else, im still here tending the land i used to played, ahhhh the memories
Alao lots of me time in many world, thank you so much mojang and notch

Its like playing old games with sick soundtrack and very brutal artistic gore, and narrative that is confusing but intriguing. But its lil disorienting im not used to the camera and gonna play the sequel later

I spent hundreds of hours playing this on my psp, ahhhh the memories, and i still havent finished it (99.8%) cuz my psp got robbed lmao

A perfect end, honestly not expect the story to be this awesome and have perfect conclusion, gameplay wise is also the same, and the graphic is very very great like holy shit 2013?!, and you can fight dragons too and get the armor? Omg, but yeah meeting the dragons took me many hours and playthrough, doesnt care tho :p

The graphic still holds up today, story wise is cool and many new faces with RAD design, gameplay wise is the same as previous entries, but many new weapon (a lightsaber too)

My very first game, and the story is very very enticing, the gameplay loop is maybe boring as it seems, but its addicting and very satisfying, age very well, i sink many hours on my 4th Grade

Its fine and dandy you just wait the enemy or figure out how to attack the enemy, nothing much. But cool story tho

This is the first game i had on my phone, well first true console game i experience on my phone after playing ps2 title,i cracked it on my iphone 6 lmao, so maybe this review has some bias of memories or nostalgia

So the visual first, damn, goddamn, even replaying on pc on 2023? gorgeous, timeless art, supergiant's art always had that charm or style

Controls, responsive, intuitive, also this game is like xcom in a way you have a turn to plan then execute, after that theres some downtime in which u vulnerable

Story, the good stuff brother, in fact i think out of 3 supergiant game that i play , this is the one that i like the most, bastion doesnt gripe me nor interest me, pyre i havent try it, hades its kinda okay, family stuff here there, but transistor? waw, very good even if its cryptic, and the ending is jawdropping, sad but happy at the same time, it really do confused my emotion when i was just 15 years old, depressingly happy

Combat wise is very thoughtfull, you have 16 ability or fuction as the game called it, and this one that get me into playing this game, so you can only equip 4 out of the 16, but these 4 ability you equip, each one can be modify by the other 14 you didnt equip, you can modify an ability with two other abilty

so for example i have a dash ability, charm ability, slam ability and bomb ability, lets say i equip dash, so i dash, but if you modify your dash with slam, then your dash will have damage and stun your enemy, and if you add charm, then your dash will make enemies ally to you for a brief moment, or you can equip your slam and modify with dash so that the slam range is increase, and so on
so you have like what, 2000+ combination? yeah, thats crazy