The artstyle is so good the dialogue is very responsive to your action on each subsequence run/attempt, diverse arsenal with their own unique “aspect” that change their behaviour. But its not very roguelite cuz the room is the same, its just the order it appears and the enemy placement is different.

But this roguelite is not that hard really, you can just button mash for real, but you do have to know when to button smash, i finish my first run in 3 hour playing this game, and rn i already finish it almost 15 time with heat 20, for those who dont know, heat is a mechanic to make the game alot harder, and yeah 20 is my sweet spot, not too hard or too easy, and then theres 62 heat which is just turn the game into darksouls with timer and your normal enemy turn into very tanky, hard hitting -.-

Worth the price and the time tho, oh i almost forgot, the dialogue in this game is jawdroppingly many, unique, tailored to your experience, they had almost every dialogue for your circumstance, and the unique circumstance too that almost 99% player wont do, like doing no boon run, no upgrade run, props to supergiant to account for every possible action that the player may took

and the repeating dialogue only occur to me after i beat the game 5 or 6 time, even after that i still rarely talk to zeus or posseidon and its always breath of fresh air hearing their new dialogue

The best roguelite, control’s tight and responsive with very satisfying feedback, OST is muach, constant update is very generous, thank you so much motion twin, i got in on my android , ios, and steam, its that good.

Firstly, goddamn, this is the most fun fps i ever or maybe will ever played, how to i begin

Exhibit A : Controls, snappy, responsive, intuitive, not some flight plane control like most fps who has 8 to 9 weapon that almost dont synergize with one another, ultra's weapon pool is relatively small, five atm, but each weapon have alternate firing mode (example, blue shotgun which the secondary is grenade launcher, and green shotgun in which you can pump with secondary to boost the damage), on top of those , theres a alternative type for that weapon like the regular revolver and the slab revolver, which behave very differently
Thats sound like very overwhelming option but it isnt, its really easy to understand and the game introduce new weapon with good pacing

Exhibit B : Weapongs, every these weapon can interact and synergize with one another, and none of those just damage multiplier, i just give you an example, theres a revolver that can toss a coin and you can shoot it and the shot would connect to enemy weakpoint, and theres a railcannon that can shoot the same coin, and you can also punch the coin to shoot the coin onto enemy. Hell, i could talk about the punch mechanic alone in which you can parry almost everything, projectile, big ass punch from 10 stories enemy? yes parry that

Exhibit C : Level design, solid, unique, premise is that you machine that need blood, but earth is barren with life, mankind is dead, blood is fuel, hell is full, so well you go to hell, based on dante inferno divine comedy, and the level or layer i should say is very unique to one another, each level has its own soundtrack that is different from other fps game that seemingly only use rock as it ost ( no offense tho, its just breathe of fresh air)

Exhibit D : Cybergrind, theres also a level that is infinite, wave base level that u can play if you bored from campaign or waiting for new layer, or tinkering around in sandbox

Exhibit E: Secrets, Oh also this game has secret level that is very very very different from its "fps", you have a visual novel secret level, horror secret level, crash bandicoot secret level? FISHING?

Conclusion : Just buy it, buy it, wont regret it, i promise

The DLC is worth it the animation is so pleasing to the eye, and the base game while challenging, accompanied by great soundtrack you just cant mad at it for long. The DLC OST also a banger and the bosses are very unique lmao

The best metroidvania, you genuinely feel like you exploring a place (or a kingdom in these case) and not a video game chunks. Combat is simple yet have very high skill ceiling, and every nooks and cranny has something to reward you exploration.

The enemy, and bosses are good, both combat and story wise, its not hard for me but other say it is, the pattern is easy to grasp, memorize, and to time your attack, but fuck that optional boss fight, u know, the one that deal 8 fucking health, unpredictable (he kinda is predictable but, the move is erratic af, my hand hurts, the damage is insane the 4th time) if you know, you know

I said the world is very alive and i mean it, they have their own color scheme, mechanic or gimmicks to each biome, and they connect to one another in very natural way.

Really, really recommended to play or atleast try it

Even to this day the game holds up, playable on any laptop if you have atleast 2012 or 2014 laptop, the horror the buildup the sound design is marvelous, it works in tandem to create this creepy, moaning spaceship. The atmosphere in this game is top notch, easily the 10/10 aspect

Plot is fine, i dont care for plot to begin with on most of my game, but the storytelling of the environment and the encounter with npc is really good, it tells you how fuck up the ishimura is

Controls is very good, i only use plasma cutter for whole game, cant say for the other, i heard the pulse rifle is kinda meh for its secondary firing mode, and yeah its wack, but every weapon as much as ignorant iam for using them, is suited for every hurdle you face like flamethrower for those little thing (?) and ripper for ammo conserving, but hey, i love the challenge for plasma cutter run onli

The game is very good, making you feel unstopable, the rush holy moly, but i admit its getting boring if you just want the bosses fight, because thats where the game shine, beside the bosses it can get pretty boring

Bosses tho? lit af, definetly worth it, after completing the game you can play only the bosses fight which i do recommend

Played this on keyboard and mouse and the experience is kinda okay, controls are snap and responsive but its alot harder to parry on keyboard mouse setup, cause theres no parry button, it want you to push foward so the parry button input is merge with movement direction + attack toward and enemy that is currently attacking, timing is very tricking

The ost? just play it, it fits very well for each bosses i dont know how the hell the composer compose this, he went from some kids game i forget the name into this? goddamn

One of the steatlh game that i recomended, the power fantasy is insane you can Teleport and POSSESSED enemy and rats, the level is very open with multiple approach to the same problem and even different outcome depending on how you do the work.

The Level design is very open, especially on lady boyle mission, satisfying input, almost no bug in my playthrough, perfect

The plot is simple and yeah i admit is basic, but knive of dunwall dlc has some good story man, definitely play that and brigmore witches, and the base Dishonored doesnt ham the plot on your face, i like it, it tells the story by world design

The most innovative shooter i ever play
The most innovative shooter i ever play

Best stealth experience, more grounded and more satisfying than metal gear solid, the ost is holy shit, and the moment-to-moment gameplay is perfect mama mia

Many level are straight up very cool, but few are not bad, but still left to be desire and unfun to 100% like bathhouse or seoul, but many other level are crack af like the bank, and that mission where you need to disable missile

Minor problem is ai sometimes look back randomly and unexpectedly making you reload save if you going for 100% on particular level, especially on bathhouse in which when the level go south its almost rng whenever you spotted or not, doesnt ruin other experience, just pain in the ass for 100%


So the game is very simple, no major combo like dmc or sekiro, but it demand your focus. Each attack has its pattern and learning this is vital, yeah its bullet hell and very hard, but theres accessibility mode dont force yourself to do what you doesnt like to do.

Storywise its present, but not so majorly moving masterpiece or something, its just there, but its not bad tho.

Also the music, 10/10, each boss has its own theme that suit the boss and the phases, its just mama mia, and some of the boss design are so sick as hell

The Real RPG, you could literally role play however you like, you can even make a child cry because her teddy bear is dead

played this on win 8, gog, no problem with bugs at all, solid experience