Feels really barebones (especially when it comes to weapon variety and creativity, which I think one of the biggest selling point of the series) and clunky and slow compared to later installments of the series. But then again, this is the first game of the 20 year old franchise that has a lot of games so it’s not surprising.

I know a lot of people prefer ‘sassy’ Ratchet from the PS2 era but I’m not sure if I like him better than Ratchet from later entries. (I do have to (re)play other two games of the trilogy before making the final decision though)

Oh, also music is really good. It’s like night and day compared to the remake.

It’s a blast to play. Story wise much less convincing than the original though.

I had a decent fun and I can imagine this being much better coop but otherwise it’s very forgettable game story, character, world, settings, etc. wise.

If this were not a twin stick shooter but typical FPS or TPS this would have been forgotten in like 5 seconds.

This is basically where a Ratchet game becomes what we know as the Ratchet games today. Plays much better than the first one and imo an improvement all around.

It's actually pretty hard though, maybe too hard. No wonder why I gave up on this when I first got this for my PS2 18 years ago.

The game as a whole feels kind of half-baked, there are less planets to explore, hacking minigame is just tedious, Clank parts are more of a mindless busywork, there are a couple of mechanics, mainly warp pad, that are introduced only to be used once or twice.

The fact that Insomniac was able to made a game of this quality only a year after the previous one is very impressive but I think they should have put more time.

Still really fun to play and I think it's a good game but yeah, compared to Going Commando this feels like a downgrade.

Maybe it's because I had really low expectations but I actually quite enjoyed the campaign.

Kind of plays like a game from 360/PS3 era. I don't see it as necessarily a bad thing but other people might think differently I guess.

DLCs feel like they should have been the part of the main game to begin with.

Didn't expect to be completely addicted to this.
I didn't know anything about F1 and after playing this now I watch the races every week lol


Pretty decent for a game made by one person but at the end of the day it’s just another forgettable puzzle platformer.

It was starting to get interesting then… you expect the balloon to explode but it just… deflates.

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Played the enhanced edition.
Overall decent experience especially because of its setting. Gameplay I’d say is functional, nothing special nor horrible.

There are a few of questionable design decisions like some platforming sections and especially the final boss battle. Who thought it was a good idea to throw out the mechanics players got used to over the course of the game and introduce a completely new mechanic for the final boss?

I don’t know if there’s a plan but I feel like if they expand on this (bigger world, more strategic options for the combat, maybe online play etc,) it might turn out to be something very special, because what’s there now is super fun and charming.

I was surprised by how the card game mechanic works really well as an analogy to how people have conversation with each other.

As for the game itself, I liked the atmosphere, somewhat melancholic but at the same time there is hope that makes people move on.
But maybe they should have made a playthrough a bit shorter as it's (imo) imperative to go through several playthroughs to properly see what the game has to offer. (I think even people who are not really trying to 100% the game should do at least 2-3 runs)

(low 7)