194 reviews liked by SoulP

Xbox fans love to defend Microsoft buying out studios because Sony does it too, but at least when Sony does it, they don't IMMEDIATELY shut down an entire 14 year old studio a year after they put out their first exclusive for the company, which also happens to be the best game on their platform in DECADES just to line the pockets of their executives.

Japan Studio's closure was the worst thing Sony ever did. But in the bleakest of perspectives, it makes sense as their games were never financially profitable, and were bleeding money for over a decade, especially after the development hell The Last Guardian went through, only to sell a little over a million copies.

Hi-Fi Rush was a much smaller game that reached universal acclaim with 3.5 million sold copies in just a little over a year. That is insanely good for a mid-budget game. Microsoft had zero reason to shut down the studio to prop up Bethesda with their most mediocre game yet that even IGN gave a 7/10, along with an extraordinarily generic Indiana Jones game and a generic Marvel tie-in game.

Not even to mention that Microsoft is a TRILLION($3,000,000,000,000+) dollar company that has zero reason to purge studios that make successful games.

Hi-Fi Rush was one of the most unique games we've gotten in years and now it will never receive a follow-up thanks to corporate greed and incompetency from the worst company in the entire gaming industry. Far worse than EA or Ubisoft.

Apparently even when you develop one of the most unique and beloved games in years you’ll still get shut down. Fuck Xbox and all these western publishers who seem to be shutting down studios and laying off thousands just for the hell of it.

Really couldn’t force myself through it. Fallout 76 borrows a lot of the stuff I didn’t like about Fallout 4 and on top of that adds boring multiplayer game padding, and it’s not like the gunplay is at least enough to power through this. I can at least appreciate them trying new stuff like some of the wildlife in Appalachia and mutations, but those are about the only positives I took away from this. Writing is incredibly boring, the engine bogs down the experience, and there’s just not a ton of engaging content, if at all (in the base game, don’t know about the expansions). Here’s hoping the next Fallout game won’t be this much of a slog.

Lo primero de todo: no es un juego para todo el mundo.

Es un juego que te pide paciencia y que te sumerjas, como harías en cualquier juego de rol. Que interpretes el mundo y decidas, y asumas tus decisiones. Si pretendes rushearlo, vas a perderte la esencia del mismo, ya que incluso la historia principal acaba reaccionando a tus decisiones en otros lugares. Es por ello por lo que otro de sus puntos fuertes es la exploración y el combate, siendo el primero una auténtica pasada y el segundo excelente aunque tampoco será para todo el mundo por falta de bloquear objetivo y similares. Que no se me malinterprete, el combate está muy guay y me encanta, he jugado todas las vocaciones y visto sus pros y sus contras, pero no esperéis un Monster Hunter porque no lo es; el juego pretende que de verdad busques tener un equipo equilibrado y que, si eres un ladrón, con tus daguitas, lo tengas difícil contra objetivos aéreos. Y es que ahí es donde brilla, en asumir tu papel y dejar que tus aliados rellenen tus carencias. Ahí es donde me cuesta entender que la gente se queje de la mala IA que tienen, ya que yo al menos no he tenido ningún problema.

Y es que es tan importante darle importancia al mundo, al viaje con tus compañeros, a las secundarias con múltiples finales y de todos los tipos con, algunas de ellas, soluciones que jamás te esperarías, donde destaca este juego. Todo sea dicho, su historia, especialmente en los compases finales del juego, es maravillosa; pero unas horas de buena historia no compensa una trama entera ni hace que pueda decir que su narrativa esté explicada de forma impecable, no. Capcom parece tener un problema contando buenas historias con formas de contarlas a medias y por esa parte es una lástima; hay juegos donde es importante, pero en un juego como este, al menos a mi, no tanto. Y es que ahí es donde algunos notarán que es un mal juego, al no haberse perdido en el mundo encontrará un juego incompleto, mientras que otros, como yo, se habrán perdido por el mundo tan vivo que tiene y se habrá encontrado una auténtica joya.

Las clases con variadas y muy interesantes, las builds pudiendo ponerte diferentes técnicas, variedad de armas, pasivas que puedes intercambiar entre clases... También es algo que se refuerza con la exploración y contactando con el mundo, ya que aparte de lo evidente de ir subiendo de nivel y sacando ataques nuevos, hay maestros de vocación que te permiten conseguir técnicas definitivas de cada clase. Aunque a la gente que quiera ir más al grano puede ser un impedimento por no saber dónde buscar.

El resumen es que no es para todo el mundo, como he contado al comienzo. ¿Para mi? Para mi es un soplo de aire fresco en una industria de refritos de mundos abiertos genéricos llenos de simbolitos en el mapa y sistemas repetidos. Habrá quien diga que este juego tiene sistemas de juegos más antiguos, y dice bien, ya que bebe mucho de Dragon's Dogma 1. Pero... Eso no tiene por qué ser malo, si te entretiene y está bien hecho. Al menos, para mí, no lo es. Tengo muchas ganas de volver a jugar, por lo que espero con muchas ganas ya que saquen alguna expansión. Definitivamente, el dragón me ha robado el corazón.

If I wrote about everything wrong with GTA Online, we'd be here for another 6 years and GTA 6 STILL WOULDN'T BE OUT YET!

Look, it started fine when I got it in 2014 but then the fucking exploiters and hackers really ruined this game. Private Public Lobbies are the best way to play this game and Rockstar won't even let you do it most of the time. It's bullshit.

Definitely one of the worst online games ever made. Red Dead Online is better than this clusterfuck.

I do hope when GTA 6 comes out, they either correct all the mistakes made with GTA V's Online or just scrap Online completely!

incredible that one of the most profitable and expensive online games ever made feels the exact same as those free to play Chinese MMOs that windows detects as trojans and has names like "Nexus Strike Online"

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

Pac-Man has a girrrrrlfrieeend, ooooooohh. What's the difference between this and just regular Pac-Man? I couldn't find a difference. I'm pretty good at Pac-Man. And I have an idea for a cereal called "Pac-Man Dots", and it's gonna be like one of those 90s kids that like on the TV, the advertisements that pop up, but they forgot to write the paperwork to put Pac-Man in the commercial, so they got sued, so it's out of business. (chuckles) This is not real.

The best story Rockstar has ever made, and possibly the most vibrant and life-filled world they've ever made, while also having some of the most restrictive and tedious missions in any of their main storylines. My first run was absolutely mindblowing and definitely cemented it as a favorite, but I find upon replays that there's a lotta stuff I wish I could just skip through.

Also it controls super weird but all their games have a very specific control scheme that's pretty unique to them, so that's to be expected.

Originally played it on PS4 but it's probably best played on PC these days to really bring out all the detail, and of course then you can mod the stuff that's tedious.

I've always seen John Romero as the Icarus of gaming, with his wax wings made from his ego, and the Sun being every single day after Daikatana was released.


Even more of the same, there is literally nothing new here… and it’s starting to bore me more than The Hidden Ones did. They introduce four different afterlives which you can freely explore but what’s the point if they all have the same fetch quests and collectibles? — which are useless at this point in the story since you’re already going to have all the best weapons. The only reason you’d even do them would be to 100% which makes it feel more like a chore than something fun.

The actual map is quite boring too, everything is something you’ve already seen; rocky mountains, deserts, small villages and temples, with almost no unique variations. The Hidden Ones at least had a pretty cool theme with its setting; which was part of Egypt being built, with its massive quarry, under-construction pyramids, and flat plains that had lots of small camps; every single region was interlinked to show that they were all a part of something bigger and were striving towards a goal. You’ll find no such thing here, every region feels random in placement with nothing to say.

I also hate the fact that all the “new” enemies have the same moves as base-game enemies, so again, what’s the actual point of this? I noticed that there were a few more bugs in this DLC than the previous ones too which often left me frustrated, especially one that restricted my ability to climb things.

I’m REALLY hoping that this isn’t what Valhalla feels like as I’ve heard people have these exact complaints, and it being stretched into 100+ hours doesn’t seem all that fun.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
DLC's - Ranked
2018 - Ranked