First Levels are very fun and simple. Unfortunately, in the later Level you have to watch guides to finish them. The later levels aren't really fun.

Somehow, Minecraft is one of the few survival games I like. This one is fine but still nothing for me.

One of the best explorations games I have ever played.
It is one of this games that I can't stop playing beacause I say "I wanna go over there and then over there and......."
The only "bad" thing about it are the controls of the spaceship sometimes.

This game again showed me that I don't like fighting games.
So it's just nothing for me also I think this game isn't playable at the time I'm writing this.(28.10.2023)

Played it in 2022 for the first time.
Needed some time to get in but all in all a fun experince.

Fun puzzle game also nice to get the platinum.

Well it's a game about cleaning surfaces with water.
Everything works and is satisficing.
All in all a little bit monotonous but perfect to listening to a podcasts while playing this game.

It's the battle royal of Titanfall so this game automaticly is amazing.
I'm playing since reales with few months break between but every time I get back to this game I really enjoy it.

I don’t know how people can have fun with this!

This was my first city building game and it realy hooked me.
I even played it first on the ps4 version and it is totaly fine.
When you start building your city and everythink expands its just amazing.
I heard many times after a few hours people just stop playing because they lost motivation or they don’t see the point anymore.
This isn’t the case for me.
Cities Skylines is one of the few games where I completly lost control of time and just can’t stop playing it.
Can’t wait for the second game!