This was my first city building game and it realy hooked me.
I even played it first on the ps4 version and it is totaly fine.
When you start building your city and everythink expands its just amazing.
I heard many times after a few hours people just stop playing because they lost motivation or they don’t see the point anymore.
This isn’t the case for me.
Cities Skylines is one of the few games where I completly lost control of time and just can’t stop playing it.
Can’t wait for the second game!

Absolutely love this game, I finished it today in one Walkthrough. The difficulty makes it very fun and the soundtrack is a 10/10.
If you don't want to play this game trust me, at least listen to the soundtrack.

This game is the definition of a bad game
I have tried to play this and nothing worked: the audio, the lobbies, invite a friend.
Then, when I finally got to play the actual game, I had to realize that the whole gameplay is just garbage and full of bugs.
Played in summer 2022.

It's the battle royal of Titanfall so this game automaticly is amazing.
I'm playing since reales with few months break between but every time I get back to this game I really enjoy it.

One of the best games I have ever played.
I have already finished the game 5 times over the years and I'm defenitly looking forwarde to play it again.

One of the few games that archived to give me the feeling of adventures/exploring a new world. The last games that could archive that would be Totk and Elden Ring. Yet still it's missing something, the something little (or big) that would make this game to a 10/10.

First of all the exploration is great, it's the main part and best part of the game besides the combat. Unfortunately, the fun side of exploration kind of lost its magic when you realize that the bosses are always at the same spot. So all the enemies are always at the same spot and oh boy this game really has no enemy variety.
All these points weren't a problem for the most part of the game because of the fantastic combat, all the vocations play almost completely differently, and it's great how you can just switch them at any time.
Unfortunately, I was a little bit annoyed at the end of the game because I just wanted to explore, but couldn't go 5 meters in this game without being attacked by the same two enemies and can't go 50 meters without encountering the same golem or griffin. This only was a problem for the last hours at the desert region, but then suddenly I saw myself fighting the end boss, since the ending of this game is at least for me very sudden.
At this point, Dragons Dogma completely changed and surprised me. I have heard that the ending of the first one is crazy but as I played the first one in preparation for DD2 a few weeks ago I didn't make it to the end......

Spoiler for ending/endgame:

The ending is wild, a whole new world is locked behind a secret ending and the game literally switches to hardcore mode.
I can imagine many people dislike this, but I love it, aside from that lots of people won't even get there.

I had a lot of fun plaing it with my friend.
Fortunately my friend already played the game and new a lot of things.
To experince a lot of the stuff in this game you HAVE to read or watch guides and I just don't like such a concept.
Also it's a lot of grinde.
To say something positive I really like the Pixel-Art.

The best game FromSoftware has made.

The level design combined with the unmatched Lovecraft atmosphere and art style creates one of the most immersive video game worlds I have ever been in.
Gameplay wise this games also stands out from the others and is the starting point from which Sekiro could be developed. The far more offensive and fast paced combat compared to DS makes it incredible fun and the mechanic that you can heal yourself after taken damage by damaging the opponent is a simple but geniuses risk and reward system.

Bloodborne is throughout the whole game almost perfect and yet still at the end, there is a new high with the DLC.
The Old Hunters DLC is easily in the top 3 best DLCˋs of all time, with maybe Witchers 3 Blood and Wine being „better“.

The structure of the story and the way it's told is genius and could only work in a video game.
13 Sentinels means there are 13 characters and 13 stories.
Most of one characters story is somehow connected to the story of another character while also telling one big sci-fi story. So to understand one character, you have to play all the other stories.
There was not a single hour in my first 20 hours playtime (in total about 35)where there wasn't a major plot wist or event that changed my whole understanding of the story or a character. The story itself is one of the best sci-fi stories I have experienced yet. Almost every sci-fi concept you can think of is in this game : time travel, aliens, big titans (sentinels) ……
The backgrounds are beautiful paintings and the OST is fitting.

There is also a whole RTS game mode. This one is nothing special and really easy. I enjoyed how easy and satisfying the fights were.
They are good enough and a welcoming opposite to the standard game where you mostly listen to the story and do some little riddles

If you want to experience a unique sci-fi story, play this game.

The worst sequel I have ever played.
The whole gameplay is diffrente than in the first game.
The first game was all about shades and stealth.
The second game tries to be a lot of things at the same time.
When the stealth doesn't work you can (have) to go into close combet wich is just broken.
It is designed for 1 vs 1 but this is never the case since you are always surronded by 3-4 enemies and new enemies arrive the whole time.
Also the game is so ugly. The first game had a specific designe and art style which made it kinde of uniqe.
The second looks like some cheap assets from Unreal Engine.
I fell like they tried to do something like sekiro but it didn't work.

I don’t know how people can have fun with this!

I played the game recently so long after the terible realse and I can only imagane how bad it was at lunch.
I havent experienced bugs or anythig but the whole game just felt so soulless.
The grafics are ugly and the maps just fell empty also the gunplay felt better in older titles.

More of the same but this time way to long.