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Soultimus backloggd Mega Man

2 days ago

2 days ago

Soultimus finished Hi-Fi Rush
Yeah, fuck you Microsoft. Can't believe you'd shutdown a studio that made a banger, only to then say you need more games like this

Genuinely impressed by how much I ended up liking this game. There's types of games I'm good at, and there's ones that I'm bad at. So to make a hack n' slash game (a genre I'm good at) and add rhythm gameplay to it (a genre I suck at) sounded like a recipe for a bad time to me, but hot damn if it wasn't the opposite. Sure, I still sucked at the rhythm portions of the game, but it wasn't as intrusive as I expected it to be. In the heat of the moment, I did end up button mashing, but striking your hits to the rhythm of a fantastic as fuck soundtrack worked so well. And man, what a soundtrack, I had my head bopping the whole time

Characters were super lovable, it impressed me how attached I became to everyone by the end of the game, I thought I was gonna get sick of their (initially) one-note personalities. And man, I am a sucker for cel-shaded aesthetics and this world and its design is so good

Only real complaint had to be the mini-bosses. I felt like their anger state where you had to stop everything you were doing and parry their attacks fucked so hard with the flow of the fights

4 days ago

4 days ago

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