Miitopia on 3DS honest to god is one of my favorite games I've ever played, with genuine plot twists and every aspect of it just breathes charm out the wazoo. Genuinely I don't think I've ever been so impressed with a video game before. I give the 3DS version a 10/10.
But...honestly the switch version feels inferior to me! The customization options for your Mii's are astoundingly amazing and it's always a hoot to see what people come up with, but there's no way to see them without the internet! The 3DS version let you randomly see ANY Mii's that have been uploaded online and it led to a lot of funny moments since they automatically randomly assign you them to townsfolk when you first arrive there. It was one of the best aspects of the game seeing who got assigned where, and you could always reroll specific roles if you wanted another option, but the Switch version...you need to manually do everything yourself, and like i said, you NEVER get to see what people are making inside of the game itself without going to the internet. This is the biggest reason this version is a downgrade to me, but also just..the game felt a lot more fluent on 3DS. I always had the menu open in battle, taking up a fourth of the screen, just in case i needed to use Sprinkles to recover my Mii's, but in the Switch version it takes up a fourth of the screen.
The new content is cute, but It's really...just kind of inconsequential.

Judging exclusively on the base game, not talking about the updates, it's not as fun as Save the Light. The combat is less fun, and it being designed as a mobile game doesn't play as fun as free roaming 3D exploration. But it's still alright! I'm not sure if I like the story of Save the Light or Unleash the Light more. The lore and settings of the second game feels a lot more in line with what I absolutely adored about the show but Unleash the Light really, REALLY nails the characters. This game made Hessonite into one of my all time favorite fictional characters and let me remind you SHE'S FROM A LISCENSED VIDEO GAME based on a children's property.
On it's own, I give it...3.5/5 stars

But the updates? Those are where it grows to stand alongside it's predecessor. This game added 3 major updates. The first one was an, honestly really good story chapter for this game's standards. The second and third updates added two entirely separate Roguelike modes.
"Roguelike Paper Mario"
Just the sound of that should get you excited.
The black hole mode is fun, it feels a lot more like a Mystery Dungeon-esque roguelike. You keep your inventory and your stats from outside of the black hole, and can infinitely randomly generate more levels to play and get more and more loot and character upgrades. It's pretty alright!
But Rose's Room specifically is a mode I constantly go back to, and I beat this game years ago at this point. It's more of a Hades-esque roguelike, where you start out with nothing and try to get as powerful as you can for the boss fight at the end of the 5? floors iirc (two of them being boss fights). Each run you play slowly gives you bonuses and upgrades for your next run makes you more and more powerful when you start over.
It's so fun to go back in and keep doing runs just to see how busted you can get! Rose's Room brings the game up to a 4 on its own, and the rewards you get for playing this mode in the main campaign are so worth it...albeit, one of them requires you to beat the game first.
If this game had a new game plus mode, or cheat codes to unlock all TEN playable characters from the start, it honestly might be a 5/5.

Steven Universe is my all time favorite piece of media and I knew these DLC Minecraft map's go hard but holy F***, this is a required purchase for any fan of the show. Absolutely made by SU megafans and littered with secrets, easter eggs, and adoration for this masterpiece of a show. Can not reccomend it enough!

I put 1275+ hours in this game just so that nobody can tell me how this game isn't one of the most painful let down's of an experience i've ever consumed.
New Leaf and Wild World are dear to my heart and I played this game every day for 2 years in the feign hopes an update would show me the faintest glimmer of what I used to love about this franchise.

I did not expect to have so much fun with this game,

but also I'm a big fat baby who's bad at puzzle games so I turned the difficulty to the lowest it would go without turning off achievements sjkgfkjasdf

I've got nothing to really add that nobody else has already said so I'm just gonna remind you all that Holy F*** Ridley is in Smash

also Grovyle for Smash

Super Metroid is a masterpiece that has not aged a single day. One of the greatest masterclasses of the entire medium, a must play for everyone.
It earns every ounce of praise it has ever received, and more.

i am committing a federal offense.

*full review later

It's not my favorite game in the trilogy, that honor goes to Danganranpa 2, but this is the biggest brained game I have ever experienced. Every single conceivable criticism you can think of about this story can be whisked away with an in universe explanation, and by god this game is an emotional rollercoaster with plot twists that will punch you in the gut and make you question life. All the while it has some of the best written and most lovable characters I've ever seen and having some damn good murder mysteries to solve.
While I don't like the ramifications it presents about the rest of the series it still blew my mind so I can't hate it completely. EASY 5/5 stars.

Also it has a Xenoblade Chronicles X reference so make that a 6/5

Objectively, probably the best Pikmin game by sheer amount of content alone, but I think I still prefer 2 and 3 more.
And I don't like the Dandori challenges/battles being incorporated into the base game. I am a completionist, but I've never touch the challenge modes of Pikmin games. I don't want to get good at Pikmin, I just want to play Pikmin, but this game requires you to get good at Pikmin to play it. i just wanna vibe man, but still, 5/5 stars just cause this game has FORTY HOURS of content.