Naked Snake in 60fps, 720p. on ps3 you get anti aliasing and proper anistropic texture filtering. on ps5 you somehow don't.
Fun game and I definitely see its vast improvements over 2, especially playing subsistence compared to the original PS2 snake eater.
Every time I try to do something, and I have to watch a better player do it after me so I can see the crazy choices I never even would've thought to try.

On an actual 3ds, in first person, you get stereoscopic 3D.
After Naked Snake loses his eye, you no longer get stereoscopic 3D in first person, because Snake himself no longer has 2 eyes with which to see in 3D and perceive depth like the 3DS screen.
Great port. Genuinely amazing port quality for that alone. Totally unnecessary but lore accurate addition that immerses the player by surprise.

Horrible collection of "ports".
MGS2 and 3 just running an emulator to play the HD collection, but somehow having anti-aliasing and texture filtering turned OFF, makes this genuinely lower graphical quality on ps5 than the HD collection on ps3.

MGS1 not supporting analogue movement, despite being openly admitted to be a ps1 emulation, and the ORIGINAL GAME SUPPORTED DUALSHOCK ANALOGUE JOYSTICKS, demonstrates that this is PURELY an issue of Konami's ps1 emulator team not bothering to include analogue movement support that FREE EMULATORS PROVIDE.

Do not buy

This came out when I got my first kidney stone in college, and I was hyped but I held off so that I didn't permanently associate this with my painful kidney stone that failed me 2 classes and left me very distressed.
Then I got this for Christmas and I got punched in the face the same day. So now I just associate it with that and I haven't played it after the first day.

My first Naughty Dog game, my first Uncharted, my first ever 3rd person action/story, and my first ever deeply emotional narrative focused, character-driven game. And my first platinum trophy.
(I played Crash: wrath of cortex as a child, the original Crash 4 after ND sold Crash to Universal, so not a Naughty Dog game)

I'm fairly certain Nate and Elena's relationship in this game, even having not played 1-3, was extremely formative of how I developed my emotional maturity as a young adult.

Got the platinum on ps4, somehow not all trophies transferred to ps5.

The first game in my life that has ever given me Open World Fatigue, because the gameplay loop is TIRING.
I completed it to give it a fair shot, and the premise of the robots was interesting. WATCH THIS but DONT PLAY IT, the Netflix show could probably be better than the game.

The combat almost never changed. Different enemies generally attacked all the same way and could be disposed without ever requiring me to think. World was massive but constant enemy encounters with boring combat made this a downside. I eventually grinded out for unlimited fast travel and the invincibility armor after I got fed up with fighting during giant fetch quests and traveling.

For an open world action game, bad, repetitive, and annoying combat is a death sentence that makes me detest the largely adventure based gameplay as a "trek" to be avoided rather than a journey to be had.

I played this in 2024 as a free game from SONY Days of Play in 2020, in anticipation of playing forbidden west complete edition immediately after, and this genuinely has made me avoid forbidden west entirely and left a sour, boring taste in my mouth.
The only reason I finished it was because it took me 2/3 of the game to come to this conclusion but I wanted to see if I was just in a mid-game slump, but I was wrong. This felt like homework after the halfway point.

Gameplay got pretty stale at the end, but was fun enough to where it took 5/6 of the game to get stale. Story was excellent. Truly a message I will remember forever. A message about deriving self-respect and honor from your own actions and what you do for others, rather than from outside opinions or rules.
Far too often we derive our honor from how respect traditions, rather than the good we do for others.
Graphics quality aside (geometric, lighting, textures) the art is some of the most beautiful in any game. It strays from reality in that while it uses scenery derived from the real world, it uses an artificial level of hand crafted design to the scenery that ensures every scene is astonishing. Using some of the prettiest natural elements available to create environments prettier than real life.

First fallout game and my first ever open world game. Also my introduction into PC modding as well as the first game I built a custom PC for. Lots of firsts. Graphics aged horribly, only slightly better than Fallout New Vegas mostly in geometric density. Textured are smeared and low resolution. Sidequests were very engaging and entertaining. Story paths were wildly different and exciting.

Combat gets repetitive though still very fun and challenging. Just after a few consecutive days it grows stale. Best played a handful of days at a time, casually, otherwise it quickly devolves into a third person combat-collectathon. Story was ok, but the idea of choices was heavily oversold.

Too short for the MSRP. I don't know who thought it smart to take OUT the section where Jill visits R.P.D. but replacing jill with the other MC in that scene left it total emotionless.

Interesting card-based take/competitor to ghost runner. Ability usage and combat is entirely innovative and despite looking similar to ghost runner, plays entirely differently. Like comparing hollow knight to dead cells, similar formula but two totally different games.

The definition of Agile development. They were cut off from making the third act, but the first 2 acts they did make are 100% done, tested, and perfectly functional.
The physics and combat sandbox combined with more modern 3rd person controls are extremely polished and allow for multitudes of choices in everything from mission objectives to even just how you eliminate simple enemies.

Kiefer Sutherland replacing David Hayter resulted in an overly expensive VA for Snake and thus Snake mostly doesn't speak, in a series renowned for monologues and conversations...
Story was tragically unfinished as Kojima was forced to release.