This game improves upon breath of the wild in almost every way with gameplay and story being much better than the original

Incredibly innovative gameplay for the series and a fantastic launch title for the switch

In this review, I'm purely going over the story mode: fights against other main characters in the game are incredibly fun and just like the smash Bros combat you're used to, but moving around and platforming in the world can be a little annoying. I will say every moment you spend playing this, you'll be waiting for another cutscene because they are incredibly fun to watch the different characters interact with each other.

Having recently gotten into the survival horror genre, this game stands out as one of the best

Almost everything about this game is fun! It says a lot that this is one of the first games I had ever beaten having played it as a kid.

Setting and story is fun. Gameplay is pretty fun in the beginning, but can become tedious to annoying towards the end of the game

Story and characters are fantastic combat is fun, but towards the end gets repetitive, and the very ending of the game is just okay

Graphics music and characters are fantastic. Combat is a lot more fun than the original and watching the story unfold kept me on the edge of my seat

Very short and a bit repetitive, but combat is a lot more fun than the original

Amazing game but terrible controls