Having recently gotten into the survival horror genre, this game stands out as one of the best

An FPS that is incredibly fun, but gameplay is only improved in its sequels

Dungeons are fun and combat is okay, but simple. The game is by today's standards outdated, and is almost impossible to play without a guide

One of the best 2D platformers ever made and the very best NES game in my opinion

Graphics music and characters are fantastic. Combat is a lot more fun than the original and watching the story unfold kept me on the edge of my seat

A great Lego game set in the Batman world

An incredibly fun game! And one of The few NES games that are actually worth playing today.

My personal favorite Halo and first person shooter

The very best, 2d Zelda game

The best 2D Metroid Nintendo has to offer

A fun survival horror game that improves the game play from the second but is unfortunately cut short

A very fun halo-like first person shooter in the Star wars universe. The only thing I wish was different is being able to play multiplayer with four people in the story and the ending of the game to not feel so rushed


Pretty much the perfect survival horror game