extremely well done remaster of a large collection of point and click flash puzzle games. I never played the originals but i have a feeling that the amazing sense of atmosphere from the cryptic and ominous areas were kept up remarkably well, it kept me clamoring for more every time i stopped a session
The incredibly solid and consistent sense of art direction is what i appreciate most in this game. The story can be needlessly cryptic and unfocused at times but i really dont feel like thats the main draw with this one. An amazing and subtle score mixed with wonderful hand illustrated art makes for an absolutely unforgettable experience through a world i desperately wish to see more from in the future.

Everyone says it is a one of a kind game and i am hard pressed to find another way to describe it. It is a game that impresses upon a player to find beauty in entropy and the melancholy in unremarkable ends. The mystery and concepts of this game are second to none in my book, this game is the height of what a piece of media can mean to me.


Very solid gameplay, level design and art direction, overall a really enjoyable experience for me. I think i came at this game at a different angle from most so this may be a me issue but i cant say the ending battle was that thrilling to me, the tedious struggle only to be interrupted by a bunch of NPCs with hardly any development to be the ones to save you felt undeserved!
The bosses in general felt subpar from the rest of the experience. However the rewards for exploration and devotion to cultivating the aesthetic of outlandish playground myths given form hit my sweet spots and I came out feeling very positive regardless of the mediocre final boss. It is imperfect but still worth your time if you enjoy the look or feel of early fromsoft stuff and dont mind a bit of a lack of challenge.

Really visually unique hld-esq hack and slash. The in-game timer kind of pissed me off but i wouldn't have stolen my name from this games main character if the game didnt impress something upon me.

Stylistically this is a perfect game to me, its influence on my tastes is incredibly obvious imo.

How do you review an mmo like destiny 2, i feel like id have an easier time reviewing every single individual year of my life from when i was born to now.


Really fucking engaging game, lit up my brain like fireworks


Really really fun game overall, but does not keep up its peak potential the entire way through

Combat felt awkward and unsatisfying, cool concepts and it kept me engaged enough to finish it through until the end, but i am struggling to remember much more about it past what annoyed me? I feel like thats a bad sign.

enter the gungeon has RUINED videogames for me
because once you drive a ferrari
everything else feels like a honda

I think this is one of if not my favorite kirby game :)