WOW! This is a great game. It has great parkour and adventure for all around fun. It's got great stages to challenge you and then the controls and gameplay are fantastic. Highly recommend!

I had a lot of fun playing this game. There are a limited amount of plays to choose from in this game, 4 to be exact, but man this is so much fun! For the 80s, this was incredible for a sports game. Highly recommend for a retro sports game.

That was a lot of fun! I thought it had a bunch of amazing levels and exciting environments all for a very fun platform game. It got really hard at a lot of parts but man it was still so much fun and I appreciated the challenge in this platform game.


Even though it's a bit easy and fighting Bowser at the end of each world EVERY time, it's still a lot of fun. It's a game that I have an absolute blast with that I can play in under an hour. It has a bunch of fun courses, amazing background music, and it's just great. I highly recommend to all Mario fans.


I really really enjoyed this game. It has a low score on here but I think it should be higher. I thought the game was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the characters in the game. I really liked playing as Nathan Drake. He was a really strong protagonist and a lot of fun to play as. Elena and Sully were great side characters too. The pacing in this works well. It goes quickly but not too quick. It let's us spend time in certain areas to gather information to move forward in the adventure. It gives time to explain things and it uses it's time wisely. The cutscenes are all at the perfect length and I thought that when you were playing it had the right amount of combat and exploration. A common complaint in this is that there is too much shooting and less exploration than the following installments, but I didn't mind that. I thought that there was a lot of suspense in the constant combat and that's the point of the game. You're stranded and people are hunting you. That's what it says in the Backloggd description. Whether you are fighting mercenaries or another type of enemy that I won't spoil, there is a lot of suspense, and horror with the other enemy, to make that combat a lot of fun. The constant combat makes sense with the story of you being trapped, and I really like that story. It's a lot of fun and you want to learn more about what is happening so it gives you the draw in for the game immediately as you start playing, and it gives you a lot of interesting mystery to figure out. There are a lot of visual details to help you solve the mystery, and this would've been a lot harder without the visually striking graphics. The production design looks great and I enjoyed spending time on this island and lost city through this story. The characters also look ahead of their time for 2007. This game looks the same as Black Ops 1, and that came out 3 years later. The locations in the game are another thing to talk about. I loved the various locations in the game. They brought character and they were memorable making this game even more enjoyable to play. Some people say the game is boring, but I disagree. I think the game has excellent pacing, striking graphics, fun characters, an investing story, interesting mystery and a lot more to make this one of my favorite video games. I'm extremely excited for the sequels to this!


I mean, for what it was I had a good time. For a game that's only a dollar, you can't expect Super Mario 64 or Crash Bandicoot. For the nine levels it had it was cool. The vibe I got from it was a mix of an actually good Roblox game with N64 graphics and layout and a good soundtrack. It has a sense of charm to it that I wasn't expecting. I also thought there was good detail with ice mechanics and moving vehicles to jump on which made it appear that the developers actually tried with it instead of making a cheap game for a buck. My issue is that I wish there was more to do. You're just running and jumping while collecting stars. You can't attack enemies. You can only avoid them. You can't get powerups. You can't collect anything except stars and there is no reward for collecting them all besides a stamp on the level. I also think the last level was anticlimactic. You can't hover over it at all so it seems like a big deal, when it's one of the easier levels in the game. In the end, for what it is I had a good half hour playing it. It's a dollar game so I can't expect anything great, so with me spending my Gold Points on it and really not paying anything, it was worth the time.


I played the Sega version through Disney Classic Games on Switch.

Aladdin is one of my favorite movies. It's not in the top ten, but it's close. I was super excited to get this but at the same time I was a bit skeptical of it being a movie adaptation. It surprised me with it's fun levels and the charm of this world. It's not a special platformer at all, but it is a fun Aladdin adaptation that I'd recommend to fans of the original movie. The gameplay is good for what it is, the attacks are creative, I like the slot machine, and the boss fight is just great. It's a fun platformer that's under an hour that I'd probably return to in the future.


This game is just amazing. It's everything I could want from a Spider-Man game and more. It has fantastic action, an emotional story, redeeming end, and it's all around an excellent game.


I find this game to be a lot of fun. I can pretty much do anything with all the characters I love. Favorite game period.


The only other superhero game (I think) I've played that's like this is Spider-Man PS4, which is one of my favorite video games of all time. This game isn't as good, but it has a great story, perfect tone, and is a fun game to play. The combat never gets boring whether it's a boss fight or random prisoners in the halls of Arkham Asylum. The boss fights are unique and make them stand out. I also think that the game is very creative. I do think the start is a little slow but in the end it's fantastic. I'd highly recommend this game to anyone who enjoys Batman. This makes me even more excited for Arkham City!


As a massive Olaf fan, this game sucks. This game is equivalent to a mobile game with the lack of content and ease of play. It's a kids game and will most likely entertain it's target audience so I give it points for that, but overall as a game it's not good. There are no stakes in the game whatsoever because you literally cannot die. You can lose objects by landing on spikes, but there are no lives lost. That eliminates all of the stakes that could've been here. That is one of the contributors to the levels being really boring. The levels hardly have any variety besides background change which makes this already short game hard to get through. The collectibles are boring and easy to get, but I didn't get them all because of the lack of interest of getting a 100% in this game. The only rewards for getting the collectibles are clothing accessories to Olaf which don't add anything to the game. The game does at least have some charm though as Olaf is fun to play as, and Josh Gad was fun enough. While Olaf's Quest could've been something good, it was extremely boring and easy. It will at least entertain it's target audience, but unfortunately nobody else.

This game has just awful controls. Could've been fun, but the controls just suck. Only a 1.5 for nostalgia.


This game was just incredible. It was realistic with it's environements, looks absolutely phenomenal, and a whole lot more. It's truly an amazing game! There is no weak thing in this game to me and I think the cinematic feel really helps this game. It's so much fun.


I would give Drake's Fortune a 4.5, while Among Thieves and Drake's Deception would be 5s. Among Thieves is my favorite game at the moment so even with that 4.5 game, it's gonna be a 5 because that will be cancelled out. I thought it was just great. I can't explain how much fun I had with these games. So excited for A Thief's End and Lost Legacy!


Call of Duty is one of the biggest video game franchises right now, and currently they aren't putting out great entries from what I've heard. I did hear that this game set the ground for the new generation of shooters and I will say that it successfully did that. The controls were really smooth and were arguably smoother than some shooters nowadays and the graphics have aged really well. The campaign was able to tell a solid story and have a nice variety of shooting in it. To me games like this aren't as rewarding at the end of them as big stories like Uncharted and Batman Arkham, but this game was able to tell a full story and have a really cool ending. It can feel like a lot of the same at times and I didn't have much motivation to pick it up, but in the end it's a really fun game. If you want a COD game that's actually good and not the crap that's out today then I highly recommend checking this one out!