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1 day ago

SquiSunTomo commented on HunterMask's list "I want to get into [LONG RUNNING SERIES], where do I start?" - That Guy
For the Sonic franchise, while you can technically start anywhere, the best place to start IMO is Sonic the Hedgehog 2. It's a simple, 3-hour game that gets across the main points of the series incredibly well. All the series staples are there, with an easily digestible campaign, being a straightforward, score-based platformer rather than a sprawling story like later games. And while Sonic 1 is there, I feel it hasn't aged nearly as well, and is far less suitable as a first game.

7 days ago

SquiSunTomo abandoned Goddess of Victory: Nikke
Tonight's Episode: The Writer's Barely-Disguised Fetish

7 days ago

SquiSunTomo is now playing Code Vein

9 days ago

SquiSunTomo completed Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
So, after the absolute mess that was A Realm Reborn, I was a bit nervous to continue with the game. Yeah...turns out, they actually got their shit together. Heavensward is a massive improvement, both gameplay- and story-wise. Well, except for Bismarck, that arc just came and went with absolutely no fanfare.

10 days ago

12 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

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