11 reviews liked by StanRyk

A shockingly varied and memorable 3D beat ‘em up/2D platformer hybrid for the SNES, this game is seriously mind-blowing for the early days of the console. Pretty hard towards the end, though.

Mostly fun though when the game requires you to grind for money it gets a bit silly. There's a lot of variety and stuff to love here though.

Played the fan translation of the Japanese version.

When I first started playing the game, I assumed it was an RPG-like experience where you start off in a town, grind for money, purchase equipment, and eventually go out into the wilderness to conquer the rest of the world. What I did not expect, was that the wilderness never came. Instead, you spend the entire game inside these towns, a boss hidden in each one, which defeating immediately brings you to the next town.

The gameplay loop is certainly unique in that sense, but with my expectations set in the wrong place, the game never quite clicked with me, as it always felt like there was a major piece of game missing from it. It would've been interesting to check out for 20 minutes and leave it at that. Each new maze-like stage lost my interest further and further, until there was nothing left. Which is a shame, as stylistically it's certainly an expressive and colorful little game, and it had its moments of charm (being able to play a mini-Gradius was fun). It just wasn't enough to carry the whole thing, and it has mostly left my mind at this point.

While "Starring Goemon" introduced a sprawling world to explore. "Goemons Great Adventure" is more inline with the previous titles on the super famicom. Very fun co-op platformer that is easy to pick up and play. And just like the other games, the music is undoubtedly a highlight.

Simply a classic that should stand tall right with the platformer giants.

N64 Zelda games have aged like milk compared to this fine wine

The thinking man's Ocarina Of Time.

This game has some of the best humor and charm I have ever seen in a game. Gameplay-wise, it's kinda like Mario 64 meets Zelda. The giant robot Impact returns for some cool first-person battles which are the best of the series I've played so far. The dungeons are easier and simpler than in Zelda, but still good fun.

A very fun and very weird game.

it's realistically like...pretty average but it's a perfect game in my heart and I'm going with it. Love the soundtrack, vibe, gameplay (mostly), characters, and the absolutely bizarre literal translated script. This game is a bizarre anomaly my sister and I adore.

Also Impact theme goes fuckin nuts hard.

Queridinho demais, eu sou totalmente fangirl de Goemon desde que joguei um dos jogos de PS1 muitos e muitos anos atras, a ponto que a primeira musica que eu queria pra procurar no falecido Kazaa era a musica do robô Impact. Infelizmente eu não tinha o memory card N64 e apesar de meu primo ter o jogo, a gente so decidia sair da primeira cidade e parar. Até porque não sabíamos inglês direito.

Mas!!! Com acesso a um memory card agora, finalmente consegui jogar esse jogo secreto, o lado bloqueado da minha infância, venci Cerberus.

Acho curioso que a Konami não tenha continuado nesse estilo no próximo jogo de N64 porque um jogo que é um Zeldinha de plataforma, com dungeon e tudo, é extremamente bem vindo. Acho que por medo de alienar os fãs dos jogos 2D, ele é bem generoso com vida e num geral é fácil, mas não deixa de ser muito interessante e divertido. Ele também é um pouco menos doidinho que os outros, provavelmente pelo fato de cenários 3D serem mais complexos de se fazer na época, mas ainda consegue carregar o espirito engraçado da série. Porque assim, é um jogo que tem a própria trilha de risada nas cutscenes e no mínimo 3 musicas cantadas, da pra sentir carinho no jogo inteiro. A trilha sonora também é incrível, mas isso é o esperado.

Eu adoro todos os personagens, mas desde pequeninha eu já era fissurada na Yae então eu joguei grande parte do jogo com ela e só do jogo me permitir isso já merece todos os prêmios do mundo.